Into Our Hearts

[Twelvth night inside the Element Forest]

As soon as Xenia finished the trial by air, Devas quickly picked her up so that they could both go back to Polo's territory. She still had to use her newly-found permission to view the past in the Lake of Life, and from there, make her way back to Cordon to both participate in the trial by combat, as well as to relay whatever information she'd get from her viewing to Darius.

"You did great back there," Devas praised her just as they arrived at Polo's underwater mansion. "I didn't think that Helena had it in her to make a hard trial, but I'm glad you survived."

"Wait, you mean that was her hard trial?" Xenia asked.

"She would usually just do something simpler, maybe even a variation of the trial you just did without the insane height," Devas chuckled. "For her to actually not pull her punches, that speaks volumes on how much faith she had in you."