Let His Sister Go

"I just hope we're giving Aurelia away to the right person," Gideon remarked as he looked at Calypso, the man having picked up the drunk Aurelia for them to retire to the former's bedchamber where they would both sleep in the same bed.

"Aurelia is a woman grown now, Son," Lord Tubal reassured him. "She reassured us already numerous times that she can handle herself well enough." 

"Father is right," Freya added. "You should have more faith in her."

Gideon sighed as he shook his head. Perhaps his mate was right. But still, he just couldn't help but think otherwise. Calypso just had this air to him that rubbed him wrong. It was as if the man hadn't truly changed. That he was still the same man that could possibly play with his little sister's heart.

"I think I need to have a walk around," Gideon grumbled as he stood up.