You’re You

Once the rain let up, Calypso and Aurelia's journey continued. Unfortunately, the weather only remained cooperative for a bit until a few hours later just before nightfall. The outpour was both hard and fast, and they were only thankful that they were actually near an inn already so that they could probably rest for the night. As expected for a rainy day, the inn was crowded with travelers looking to wait out the rain. And of course, seeing as there were too many people to even get some peace and quiet, Calypso decided that it would be best that they had had their dinner inside their own room.

Which was great, since Aurelia was planning on nipping something in the bud for a while now.

"It's been pouring outside," Aurelia commented as she tried to dry her wet hair with a towel while staring out the window. "And here I thought that the weather would cooperate."

"I suppose so," Calypso chuckled as he entered the room. "Are you already done cleaning up?"