Asa POV:
Asa stood at the steps of the town hall, Chris’ hands firmly wrapped around his shoulders. Chris spent most of the morning at the Cortes farm, helping to clear out the damage from the night before.
Asa didn’t get to help. Instead, Chris regulated Asa to PR duty. He did the emotional labor while Chris did the physical.
Asa knew that people expected Lunas to behave this way. They expected Asa to give out tea and cookies and console those affected. Asa didn’t mind, he would do anything for the pack, but it felt false. Asa always had expectations foist upon him. Even from a young age, people expected him to be demure and well-behaved.
Asa spent so much of his time as a child conforming with that ideal that it became much harder getting out of it.
“We will be able to get through this. We can rebuild our pack even stronger. What does not break us will only make us stronger,” Chris spoke, his voice strong and confident.