For some reason, that upsets me, too.
"This, making you feel this way, I enjoyed it way more than I can tell. Look at me, it was enough. It was more than enough for me."
He looks at me skeptically. "You enjoyed it."
"More than I can tell."
"So why didn't you kiss me? You always kiss me when I please you."
I would laugh if this was another moment. Since Jason initiated our first kiss in that kitchen, I've been taking any opportunity to repeat it. It didn't occur to me that he'd interpret it this way.
He looks so boyish in this moment, so out-of-sorts, I can't find my breath. Somewhere inside me, my heart clenches. I'll never, ever be the same. Never. "I didn't kiss you because it would have been too much. I was feeling too much."
He still looks unsure. "Not because this—" he gestures towards the wall, "offended you."
"No," I whisper. "Not because of that."
"And not because—?"
"How are you thinking about all these things? You know what?"