"You're not going to die," he said.
"You're avoiding my question. Tell me, because I don't have time to read my way through that library."
Ari toyed with the edge of my stack of notes. "She's right about the cost. But ninety-nine percent of the time, the only thing you'll feel is tired. Craving those electrolytes."
"And the one percent?" I asked.
Ari hesitated.
"Don't sugarcoat it." I grabbed my pen, on the verge of rolling off my mattress.
He nodded reluctantly. "If you draw on the power for too long, or become agitated to the point where it controls you instead of the other way around? Yeah. It could kill you. In your case, via heart attack it seems."
I absorbed that, re-arranging my pillows to face Ari. "Then I have to control it. Now that I know it can happen and why, I won't let the situation get away from me again."
"Just like that?"
"Do you doubt me?"