The basement door splintered. "Nava!" Ro roared.
Adrenaline flooded my system. My skin turned blue, lightning bolts sliding over my skin.
This isn't my boyfriend. It's the drug.
"Stay away from her," Ro growled.
My blood ran cold. With Ro lost to this addictive drive to get to me, he was in no headspace to take on the demon. I jumped into the doorway humming and crackling with magic. "Yo!" I yelled, turning the oshk's attention away from Rohan.
I blew the demon to smithereens.
Ever seen those old Bugs Bunny cartoons where the character's eyes bugged out of their head, then snapped back into place? It was like that, but full-body. For one second, the oshk splintered into tiny pieces. It wasn't all nice smooth blob either. There were bits of undigested flesh, bone fragments and one fist-sized piece that was beating - its black lumpy heart. They hung there for one impossible moment, then snapped back together.