Mandelbaum slumped to the ground unconscious.
Hex Factor, which had fought in the demon realm, did a pretty good job of remaining calm. Sienna's bunch shied away from the demon, while Mandelbaum's men and the Israeli soldiers openly trembled.
One soldier ran at Gog and Magog screaming and discharging his machine gun.
The bullets bounced off the demon, who didn't even register the hit.
Jezebel grabbed the soldier. "You can't kill it. You'll just make him mad."
I slipped the ring on. "Gog and Magog, I call you. Gog and Magog, I bind you."
"Gog and Magog are dead. You're dealing with me now." The heads spoke with Lilith's voice. She walked around the plaza, testing out her new demon body.
Everyone scrambled out of range of her feet.
"How?" I held up a hand to stave off any magic assault from my side.
Lilith sneered - both heads. "Magic eaters. So predictable. They only had one trick. I have a bag full of them, and you fell for them all."