Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" allegro flowed through the speakers and I sighed in relief. It meant Harry was in what passed for a good mood.
"You done with Mitra's case?" Harry stabbed at the keyboard with two fingers, his version of typing.
"I need the daeva's horn."
His bushy, bristly eyebrows shot up. "No."
"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."
He looked up at me. "The daeva is coming to retrieve her property tomorrow. I'm not going to risk payment or my neck by not having it."
"Drio is dying." I pressed my palms against my desk. It was the first time I'd let myself face the entire awful truth. "He has a demon virus inside him and if I can't find the demon behind it and kill him before the virus kills him in three days..."
Harry jabbed at a key. The Mozart cut out, replaced by the angry, crackling first movement of Brahms's First Symphony. "What? You planning on doing something stupid again? You don't even like him."