Chapter 68


They'd had one Jezebel under their control, who's to say they didn't have more, forced to produce these smudges?

I flicked a sweaty lock out of my eyes. "What do you want?"

"For you to live a long and happy life running your detective agency. Full stop."

"I really hate being told what to do." I cracked my knuckles. "I defeated your smudges and you're a lot less imposing than they are."

"Yes, you obviously have the goods, interesting though your technique was." He didn't sound pleased about my powers.

"What are you? My own personal Statler and Waldorf? Listen, you want to throw down, I'm game if - " The rest of my words came out in a staticky screech that had me clamping my hands over my ears.

"You'd have to find me to take me on." He stepped toward me but I held my ground. "You're a Seeker - "

"Actually, I'm a Scorpio," I said.

"Wisecracks won't win you the day. You're out of your league. Give up before you find yourself broken and tortured like - "