Chapter 2

Today is my first day of school at the new institute, my mother took me by car so that I could see the road I have to do.As soon as I enter the door I see that my new neighbor Jenny is going to the same high school, I get paralyzed, then I see how Jenny starts running to where I am to greet me.-Hi Kate, it's good that we are going to the same institute, come with me that I want to introduce you to some friends - Jenny says between gasps.She takes me by the hand and takes me to where there is a group of people gathered, I try to sneak away, because I have never been good at making friends, but Jenny won't let me since she has me tightly by the arm.- Hey guys. do you remember me telling you about my new neighbor? - Jenny screams all excited. Everyone nods in unison, so he takes and introduces me to the whole gang, the gang is not very big, but they seem like good people.-Hi, I'm Declan, how are you - greetings Declan very nice, who is the first to introduce himself. He is a muscular boy, with messy blond hair and jet-colored eyes, he is wearing a Nike tracksuit and the backpack slung on one shoulder.-I'm Brittany- Brittany says giving me two kisses, she is a girl of a similar height to mine, with short curly brown hair, brown eyes, she is wearing a light blue short dress and blue heeled sandals.-My name is Aaron, delighted - says Aaron at the same time that he shakes my hand, in which he wears a ring with a dragon, he is a tall and muscular boy like Declan, but he has curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, he is dressed in black sneakers, skinny jeans and a T-shirt in which you could see a sunset.-Hi, I'm Alexis- Alexis introduces herself, she is a little shy girl, she has black hair and eyes, she wears black and tight clothes.After the presentations I ask Jenny if by chance she will not know which is the box office that has touched me. Before Jenny answers, Declan goes ahead to point out that the number on my locker is the one next to his. Everyone accompanies me to my locker so that I leave the things I don't need and then we all go to class since they are going to be my classmates in most of the subjects this course.After the first three hours of class, it's time for recess, where we all go to the high school cafeteria and start talking about all the classes we've had today and how the teachers are. When recess ends everyone goes to class except Jenny and I who go to the secretary to take some papers that were missing to deliver.The next few hours were more entertaining than the first, as Declan and Aaron started telling jokes about the literature teacher. When we leave class Jenny offers to take me home by car since we live opposite and the car she used in my old city has not yet arrived for me, her car was parked between Declan's car and Brittany's. We both got in the car and spent the whole way talking about what the first day of high school looked like to me, what the gang looked like to me and things like that.Before getting out of the car, Jenny asks me if I have anything to do since she has met Alexis to go for a walk, before answering her, Jenny tells me that she will pick me up at seven at the portal of my house.