Chapter 7

I just walked in the door and I see that my mother is in the kitchen. I am surprised that she is not lying down, since she gets up early tomorrow and it is very late.- Where have you been?- my mother asks me a little serious. I start telling him about the meeting and that we went to Declan's house, then I also tell him about going for a walk on the beach, the only thing I don't tell him is what happened on the beach or about the party.My mother looks me up and down and is surprised because those are not the clothes I was wearing when I left the house so I have to invent the lie that I was thrown into the water on the beach as a joke and we all ended up wet and Declan's sister left us clothes, the good thing is that my clothes were in a bag and it wasn't so torn for my mother to notice that. My mother just nods and goes to her room.I'm already in my room, I got rid of a good fight since he didn't notice that he had been crying.I have woken up with a little headache, when I get up I'm lame and I'm going to take a shower with fresh water but before that I see that the mobile light is flashing. I look at the mobile and I see a message from Jackson in which he asks me how I spent the night, just thinking about the message I have turned red, I answer the message and I go to the shower.Today is Sunday so when he got to the kitchen I find breakfast prepared and a note that says when I get back from work we have to talk since you lied to me yesterday. She looks like she's pissed off, but I don't know why. I leave the letter on the counter, I have breakfast and I get on the phone.It's almost lunchtime and I haven't done anything but be on the phone, the good thing is that I've already done my homework and the food is already done.After lunch I go to my room and I see that I get a message from Jackson telling me that if I go out, at first I don't know whether to say yes or no since I don't know what to do, at the end I tell him to take a walk and he answers me that perfect.It's almost time for the meeting and I still don't know what to wear so I take the first thing I see and put it on.- How are you?- Jackson asks me as soon as he sees me.-Well the truth is, I'm still a little scared but for the rest fine - he replied as if everything was great, which is not true since my mother seems to be angry with me for no reason.We take a walk through the center of San Francisco. Jackson sees a small place so he pulls me towards it as if the world was going to end, we entered and although the place looked somewhat extravagant on the outside, the interior was made of wood with a classic but at the same time moderna style, I did not expect to find something like this in San Francisco since it is a fairly large city.- What do you want to have?- Jackson asks me while looking for a place to sit.- I don't know, what is the most famous thing he has?- I ask you since there are so many things on the panel to choose from that I don't know which one to decide on.Jackson just saw a free table, he picks me up and takes me there. As soon as we sit down, he points me with his finger an image of a waffle, it seems that it looks good so I decide to order it.- What do you want to drink, gentlemen? - one of the waiters tells us very politely, who takes out his notebook and notes what I'm asking for, which is a waffle with chocolate syrup, two balls of chocolate ice cream and cream, while Jackson asks for pancakes with strawberry syrup, two other balls of cappuccino ice cream and cream. When we have just ordered the waiter puts his notebook away and leaves.I was surprised to hear Jackson's request since I had never seen anyone eat cappuccino ice cream with strawberry syrup.- Is something wrong with you?- Jackson asks, when I look at him he seems worried but I start laughing like a fool, at that moment he realizes that he misses me the request he has made. He starts laughing too and we are like that until the waiter brings us our order and we start eating, Jackson offers me a little I make a disgusted face, joking, but he insists that I try, in the end I try it and I am amazed because the mixture of flavors is very different from what I had thought it would be, but the truth is that it is delicious.-You have good taste although at first it didn't seem like it was going to be good, it's the best I've ever tasted - I say smiling at him.I taste what I have missed and I am surprised that this place was not in the restaurants that you should visit if you come to San Francisco since it is one of the best waffles next to the best ice cream that I have eaten in my life.We've already finished eating and it's already dark so Jackson takes me home, although Jackson has a car we have walked back and forth.Before arriving at the door of my house I pick up and kiss Jackson passionately he continues the kiss and we stay like this for a couple of minutes, which make me eternal but I love them.When I open the door I see that the living room light is on, I had forgotten the note of this morning that my mother left me.-Hi Kate come to the salon when you can - he tells me in a soft tone. I leave the things in my room and I go to see what my mother wants.