Missing his girl.

At the same time, Zhan Wei was getting himself drunk in the bar of the hotel where they were staying. There were tears in his eyes and a glass of strong whiskey in his hands.


He was singing sad romantic songs, even the bartenders started to feel bad for him.


"Mister, don't you have a girlfriend to spend your valentine with?" he asked with concern.


Zhan Wei chuckled and shook his head. "My friend, let me tell you a story." He slurred in a drunk voice. He placed his elbows on the bar counter and looked at the bartender.


"There was a girl. I fall In love with her from the moment I saw her for the first time. She was so sweet, so loveable. I knew she will be my future wife. I worked so hard for her, but…she…she…left me…she didn't turn her face to look back at me." Zhan Wei yelled angrily and threw his glass away. "Doesn't she remember me? How can she leave me like this?"