The First List 5

--[" . "]-- = The voice/Golden scroll

[" . "] = Chat of the rankers on the scroll

General POV.


The voice announced, many were not surprised since Jaime Lannister was already known as one for the best swordsman in Westeros and was trained by both Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Barristan Selmy.

He was knighted at a young age and joined the Kings guard, his talent in swordplay was considered prodigious so it was no surprise to many that he was on the rankings and even above Ser Barristan Selmy since he has already passed his prime while Jaime Lannister was just entered his prime, afterall if Barristan Selmy who always praised Jaime talent could even get on the ranking, there should be no reason while Jaime Lannister could not get on it.

Many were also not happy with it because if the scroll could give such a good reward to Barristan Selmy, then the kind of reward that would be given to Jaime Lannister would be something to behold because of he got the third position.

The scene of the scroll changed to show Jaime cutting down several Riverland and Northern soldiers while moving around the battlefield.

People watching the scroll waited in anticipation for the kind of weapon, tool at ability would be given to house Lannister.

Oberyn Martell POV.

Sunspear, Dorne.

Oberyn was not feeling happy, in addition to the mountain there is now another obstacle in the path of his revenge, with how powerful the ultimate eye ability of Barristan Selmy was, he knows that if he faces Ser Barristan in combat, he would be defeated very easily, even with his new weapon afterall the old Kingsguard had been in several wars and encountered a lot of situations therefore the bloodlust of Crimson Rose would not have that much an effect because he was a strong willed man.

With what might be given to Jaime Lannister now, he was not feeling sure if he would be able to do anything against house Lannister for now, it may have delayed his revenge against Tywin Lannister and upset a lot of his brother plans.

He is feeling very annoyed and contispated now and he is not liking the way things are going at all.

General POV.

Many are hoping that Ned Stark would rank even higher and receive a reward that would vastly increase house Stark's power in order to counter the Lannister.

They have this hope because it was said that Ned Stark defeated Arthur Dayne of the Kings guard, who was the teacher of Jaime Lannister and was said to be an even better swordsman than Jaime.

Cersei Lannister POV.

Red Keep, Kings Landing.

Her Joffrey's death was very painful and making her feel terrible and heart broken.

Robert ordered her to be locked up and did not even order anyone to kill the hound, he just sat there watching, he does not care about the children, only her, their own mother cares about them, no one else.

She would kill them all, Robert, his brothers, his dear Ned Stark and the hound, she would make them all suffer, they did not like her precious Joffery, her golden lion who was meant to roar out loud, so that all would hear and rule the seven kingdoms as she guides him in ruling the realm, afterall she is his mother and he would listen to her counsel.

She would make them pay, each and every one of them will pay, they will not get to die peacefully, the Hound in particular, she would make sure of that.

General POV.

--["Reward: Namean Armour"]--

--["The armour has the ability to ignore any bladed weapon, arrows or spears"]--

--["The armour is indestructible and cannot be melted or dented"]--

--["The armour grants the strength of ten men and change its size and shape to fit the wearer"]--

--["The armour has the ability Lion pride, it can summon a pride of lions numbering up to a three hundred with an additional lion which is bigger than horse, all for the wearer of the armour to command"]--

--["The wearer of the armour can chose to see or hear through the eyes and ears of the summoned lions"]--

--["The lions cannot move away from the wearer of the armour farther than the area comparable to that of castle Harrenhall"]--

--["The armour can shrink into an arm guard which can be activated with intent in order to move about with it"]--

--["The armour is bound to Lannister bloodline and can passed down to a successor or transferred to a random Lannister if the wearer dies with passing it down, the armour abilities can only be used by those of Lannister blood"]--

The scene in the scroll changed to show a man, wearing expensive and well made clothes witha sheathed great sword on his back standing on a plain and facing an army of a thousand men while folding his arms.

The men charged towards him while he stood with a golden arm guard and calmly faced the army.

The armguard shone and a golden armour covering all his body except for an opening for the eyes and nostrils it was a magnificent armour with the face of the lion made of metal on the chest of the armour.(The armour looks like Regulus Namea balance breaker of dxd).

The man roared and three hundred lions in addition to the giant lion appeared around him, he climbed up on the giant lion and they all charged towards the men.

The lion clashed with the men while the man jumped down from the massive lion and started attacking the men with his great sword.

He attacked with great strength and speed borne of strength cutting through the men with ease all attacks by the men, spears, swords, axes and arrows could not push him back or affect him.

He moved without fear on the battlefield, he cut down all the men before climbing back on the massive lion and riding out.

The scene made a lot of people unhappy, with that armour, house Lannister has gained a very powerful weapon that will make their house even more powerful.

House Lannister has risen even higher and secured their legacy.

Tywin Lannister began to think of how to convince Jaime to transfer the armour to him or to get him out of the Kings guard so that he can have children to pass down the armour to, he'd rather not have the dwarf succeed him, he does not want to leave his legacy in the hands of a dwarf, a whore monger and a drunk.

["Syrio Florel: What a powerful armour"]

["Oberyn Martell: Don't think you can protect Tywin Lannister and stand in the way of my revenge."]

["Jaime Lannister: Your spear cannot do anything to me, the armour cannot be penetrated by bladed weapons"]

["Oberyn Martell: Weapons are not the only way to kill a man"]

The scene on the scroll changed to show Jaime Lannister with a protective field around him.

The field disappeared but a golden armguard appeared on his arm, he focused on the arm guard with the intent of activating it and a golden armour appeared on his body. He focused once more and a massive lion appeared by his side, he focused on the again and the lion disappeared, the armour then turned back to an arm guard on his arm.

Many are already wondering what the number two would receive, the scene on the scroll changed back to rankings with Jaime's name appearing in the third position of the ranking, the voice called out again.



Hello everyone.

Here is today chapter, please enjoy.

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