The First List 7

--[" . "]-- = The voice/Golden scroll

[" . "] = Chat of the rankers on the scroll

General POV.


People all over the known world were shocked that another person with Stark bloodline got the first position, and a woman at that, the fact that she is not known now meant that she is still a child now, a true born member of house Stark.

Many began to think of sending betrothal proposals to the Stark family in order bind their family to the Starks, Tywin Lannister in particular began to think of making his grandson Tommen Baratheon the new crown prince marry Arya Stark in the future in order to further secure his legacy.

Holster Tully was happy with this result because their hold on the Riverlands would become secure because of the fact that they are bound with house Stark with marriage and also because Arya Stark is his grand daughter.

He would have to convince Ned to let his grand daughter to visit him so that he could see her as he had become too old to travel.

Oberyn Martell POV

Sunspear, Dorne.

Oberyn Martell got even angrier, the Starks had gotten another reward again, there were already three North men on the rankings, this will bring massive benefits to them in terms of allies and trade agreements which would make the North even stronger thus making it harder for him to take his revenge as they were allied with Robert Baratheon the drunkard king whose good father is Tywin Lannister who has already gained a lot from the list in the first place.

He did not like this at all, the gold scroll is making it harder for him to get his revenge against the Lannisters for what they had done to his sister Elia and her children. He would get his revenge no matter how difficult it gets, this he swore to himself while gritting his teeth.

He wondered while his daughters did not rank on the list even though they have been training for a long time, is the training insufficient? or is their talent not strong enough? he wondered, there was a second possiblity that he did not want to consider, he was scared of even thinking of that, no matter what he will prevent it from happening, his daughters will survive, all of them will.

Doran Martell POV

The Starks have risen even higher in the seven kingdoms and gained a lot power, with two Starks appearing on the first and second position of the ranking and the kind of powerful weapon they gained, the hold of the Starks on the North has gotten even stronger, even the Boltons that have a history of rebelling against house Stark would not dare to do so now.

With the bastard's weapon that allows him to detect lies and schemers, plotting against the Starks will be even more difficult, many would refuse to go against them and many will also be willing to curry favour with them so that they would not end up their bad side, even the Reach would be willing to be willing to sell food to the Starks at a reduced cost.

With how close knit the Stark family is, it would not be easy to split up the family or make them fight against each other except for Ned Stark wife who scorns the bastard there is no other exploitable gap in the family.

The whole game has been changed and turned on its head, let the games begin.

Ned Stark POV

Theon, Robb, Jon, Sansa, Bran and I could not believe that Arya was ranked the first in all the known world, we know she is very wild, willful and unwilling to be like a lady, just like my sister but she took it to the extreme, Lyanna would be very proud of her, I am also very proud of her too.

Cat is the one who was shocked the most from this rankings and how powerful her daughter would be in the future, she could not believe it.

"Father! I am on the list, I became the strongest warrior in the world!!!" Arya shouted in excitement.

"Hahaha" I chuckled in mirth, her excitement is infectious, "Father, I am going to train, I will join the boys in the courtyard so that I can become the strongest like I am supposed to be in the future" Arya said, very happy about it and seeing a reason she can abandon her lessons with the septa and completely focus on training and becoming stronger, she is just like Lyanna.

That statement seemed to snap Catelyn out of her shock, hearing what Arya said did not make her happy at all, she feels Arya by her actions had ruined herself and would not be able to be get married to a Lord and have children.

"You are not going to be training at all!!! You have ruined yourself in the future by being completely unladylike, I am not going to allow that, you will receive extra lessons from the septa so that you would become a proper lady and marry a good husband" Cat said, Arya would definitely not agree to this, she is too much like Lyanna.

"Then I will run away!!!" Arya screams out, that completely shocked me, it seemed like it also surprised everyone around.

"I do not like all those lessons on how to be a lady, the ladies the septa talk about her dumb, they only know how to sing and give birth to babies, they cannot do anything else, I do not want to be like that, I do not want to be waiting for a prince to rescue me."

"I want to be strong, if a man really likes me he will marry me like that, he will not wan to make me sad" Arya said while almost sobbing, Jon came forward and hugged her, she hugged him back and began to son quietly.

Arya is do much like Lyanna, if father had listened to her she would not have ran away, she refused to be a helpless lady, if I refuse Arya she might also run away and I would lose my daughter, I do no want that.

My daughter happiness and well being is more important, if taking those lessons from the septa make her unhappy, I will stop her from taking it, if training in the yard makes her happy, I will allow it, she can afford to get married to who she wants and it is not a must for her to be a proper lady, Lyanna rode horses and fought with swords, yet she was still desired by a Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert who still mourns her to this day.

"Arya, come here" I say while spreading out my arms, Arya runs from Jon and hugs me, I tell her "Do not worry Arya, you will not be forced to be a proper lady" I say while staring at my wife to make the point clear and to make her understand that she should not force it.

"Lyanna rode horses and fought with swords, yet she was still desired by a Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert who still mourns her to this day, she was not a proper lady, she even wore armour sometimes, there will be a man who loves you as you are, do not worry Arya"I say while looking at her, I rubbed her back to comfort her, she smiled and dried her cheeks with her sleeves, looking really happy about what I told her.

"Cat" I turned to face my wife "apart from the basic etiquette lessons and the basic education for her, it is not necessary for a her to learn sewing and all that, she can learn what she wants, just advice her only" I said, it is better this is said out loud now to prevent any problems that may occur, "We will discuss later Cat" I said, "Yes, my Lord" she said, clearly unhappy but she did not leave.

I will also discuss about her treatment of Jon too.

General POV

The scene on the scroll changed to show Arya in her room receiving a thin sword from Jon while the direwolf lay on the floor, she hugged Jon and said the sword name is Needle, that let Sansa keep hers, she has her own needle that she would use well, he laughs with her and gives her a simple primer on swordplay: "Stick them with the pointy end." Before he tells her good bye and leaves the room.

The scene changes again to show Arya reporting for her first "dancing lesson" with Syrio Forel, a master swordsman from the Free City of Braavos. He instructs her on the tenets of the Braavosi fighting style of water dancing as she tries to strike him with a wooden sword. Ned appears in the doorway to watch quietly and he smiles at his daughter's talent and the fun she has learning the sword.

The scene changes again to show Arya saying a list of names; Joffery, Cersei, Tywin, The hound, The mountain, Ilyn Payne. She repeats the names over and over with anger swearing you would kill each and every one of them for what they did to their family, she tells her story to a boy that looks like young Robert Baratheon with her hair cut short to look like a boy.

The scence changed again to show Arya jumping off a horse. Innocently asking to warm herself by their fire, she offers a coin in exchange. As the man reaches for the coin, she jumps on him and stabs him repeatedly. Arya looks down at the first man she's killed, retrieves the coin and says, "Valar morghulis."

The scene changed again to show Arya stabbing through a man's throat all the way to the head, with a cold look on her face and blood lust in her eyes while slowly killing him.

The scene changes to show a woman who drops to her feet in a room, the woman raised her head but it was a different face from the one before, Arya jumps forward, blinding the man, stabbing him repeatedly before pulling him to his knees and cutting his throat slowly with a smile on her face.

The scene changed to show a blind Arya fighting with a staff, she clashed several time with the girl, blocking and dodging her attacks successfully while blind, the scene changed to show them engaged in chase and fighting again, they entered a room with a single candle which Arya cut off before fighting in the darknesss.

The scene changed to show her clashing with Brienne of Tarth on a training ground. she defeated Brienne and the changed to show her using a bow to shoot down several wights with very high accuracy.

The scene changed to show a maid giving Lord Frey a pie, he ate a bit of the pie before asking where all his children Lothar and Black Walder were, the serving wench pointed to the pie telling him that was where his children were, he looks around but she points again to the pie, feeling very suspicious, he opens the crust of the pie and sees an eye under the crust, while he was in shock, feeling disgusted and queasy she tells him that those are his children and that Black Walder was not easy to carve into pieces, she then pulls of her face like a mask revealing Arya Stark, she tells him her name and that she was the last thing he was going to see before he dies is a Stark smiling down at him as he dies, he tries to run but she grabs him back and slits his throat and smiles as he died choking on his blood.

The scene changes again to show Lord Frey toasting wine with his all the Freys in the hall, the Freys all the drink the wine and he tells them that they are his family, that they are heroes for breaking guest rights and killing the Starks including Catelyn Stark and all the other Northerners at the wedding of his daughter, he tells them how proud they should be for killing Robb Stark and beheading him and stabbing his pregnant wife before killing his direwolf and sewing the head of the wolf to Robb Stark's body, congratulating them for inviting the Starks to their home and killing a mother of five but not killing all of them.

He tells them that they made a mistake of not pulling them all out root and stem as they all began to choke and cough out blood, he tells them that if they leave one wolf alive the sheep will never be safe, he smiles as they all collapse and die, he pulls his face off and transforms back into Arya Stark, she tells the girl beside her to tell anyone who asks about what happened that the North remembers and that winter came for all of them, she them smiles as she walks out of the hall full of bodies.


Hello everyone, here is today's chapter.

I split this chapter into two parts (Arya is awesome)

The OC POV will be after the next chapter.
