As a Power Warrior, that's no different from losing her life, so Esther William pulls her chair to the side of the bed. He puts his hand on Phedra William's belly and starts to release Power. Power Water Genre, whose healing effect will help him to some extent, the ever-present blue and white light. Since Jocasta William's energy was transmitted, he felt that each layer of power in his body was reinforced with a solid layer of protection. The power of zombies is beyond reproach. Think about it, Esther William remembered the two walkers who came to pick him up at the time. To be off, one's faults can smell the king's corpse on him. He said.
- What happened after I blacked out? Did Azura George and Andrea Mark give you a hard time?
- Andrea Mark threw a grenade and blew up a big fence, but it was reinforced, and Azura George didn't do anything, but his skills were so strong that no one could stop him from carrying me.
- Take me away?
- That's right.