The Billionaire’s Lair

"Where the hell are you taking me?" Cassandra asked in an ill-tempered manner as she glared at the three of them, but they didn't seem to care at all.

Cassandra's hands were tied up, and she could barely see where they were going at the moment, but it looked like they were going on top of the mountains since there were a lot of trees in their surroundings.

"Help! Help me! Please, somebody, help me! I'm being kidnapped!" She was trying to yell at the top of her lungs, but no one could hear her and there was no one around their area.

The man beside her laughed and it made Cassandra even angrier. "Yeah, just scream all you want. As if someone can hear you from this soundproof car." He said in a teasing tone because they knew that she couldn't do anything in her power anyway.

"Maybe after your vocal cords come out, then maybe there will be someone to help you." The other man commented, then all four of them including the driver laughed together, teasing Cassandra.

She just grimaced and rolled her eyes, then she continued to scream, but still, she wasn't able to get any help. The men inside the car were also too strong for her to handle, so she would never make it out of the car. She was trying to think of a way how to escape, but all of her ideas were too impossible.

Cassandra looked at the person beside her and showed her puppy eyes. "Sir, please, my family is broke. We don't have money for ransom, so just take me back because you won't get a single penny from kidnapping me." She suddenly felt helpless, she wanted to give up and just wanted to let fate do his job.

The man scoffed at her, then he looked at the road. "That's not the reason why we took you. We don't need the money, silly." He said, then they continued their way to their destination.

She got a bit curious about what the man said. Why would they just kidnap her if they didn't need money? They wouldn't get anything from her to benefit them in return.

Her face turned pale in an instant and her eyes were wide open as she looked at them in disgust. "W-What? T-Then… are you going to rape me? N-No!" Cassandra began to struggle to escape from them once again, but they were really too strong for her to handle. "Please, don't! Mom! Dad! Help me! I don't want to be here." She said, struggling to get the handcuffs off her hands.

The men inside the car began to get annoyed with her because of her high tone of voice, so the other man just stuffed a cloth inside Cassandra's mouth to stop her from being too noisy. She still struggled so much, but she just failed over and over.

In just a few more minutes, the sun had finally set and she didn't know where they went. She also began to feel exhausted from all of the screamings she did, so she just sat down quietly until they arrived at a private premise.

"We have arrived. The boss is waiting." One of the men uttered in a serious tone of voice, then they entered a tall and thick gate. The gates had face recognition security before they could enter to ensure the safety of the people living inside.

It was a very luxurious and grand mansion that had complete amenities. A very long and lushful garden full of different kinds of vibrant flowers was to welcome Cassandra before they could arrive at the main mansion. In front of the big mansion, there was a gigantic silver fountain and just by looking at it, one could feel serene and peaceful just like a hot tea in a cup.

"Get out now! Come with us in an instant and don't make a scene. The big boss is in a bad mood." One of the men said in a firm tone of voice while they tried to force Cassandra out of the car.

She struggled while her hands were tied up and her mouth muffled, but they still managed to get her out. Cassandra glared at one of the men when her head just hit the car while getting out.

They took her inside the mansion and her eyes were so shocked at how elegant the grand foyer was. It was all white and it seemed like they were all made up of porcelain and silver. There was an exquisite and elegant chandelier hanging on top of the ceiling together with the incorporated arts on the wall. It also smelled so expensive because of the scented candles.

"Hey, what are you standing there for?! Get going, miss!" The men holding her hands were rugged, and that was just then that she realized that she was being kidnapped.

"Hmmph! You will all pay for this!" Cassandra uttered in a muffled manner as she glared at the men., but they still didn't care a single bit.

Cassandra proceeded to walk farther inside the estate when she noticed a very familiar figure enter a room as she switched her focus to that location. She was certain she had seen the man before, but she couldn't recall where because he had already left and she had just caught a glimpse of him.

After a while, they already passed by a few more hallways and they finally got in front of a big red door which was located at the higher level of the mansion. One of the men slowly opened the door and there, they threw Cassandra inside.

"Take handcuffs and the cloth off her mouth, Miller. We're already here and no one will definitely hear her." One of them said, so the man named Miller approached Cassandra and removed the cloth off her mouth.

"You bastard! I will make sure that all of you will pay for this! Do you think you will get away with this? I did nothing wrong to you, but why are you doing this to me? I will make sure that you will end up behind bars!" Cassandra continuously blurted out of frustration when they finally took the thing that muffled her mouth.

The three of them laughed at her, but they didn't say a single thing anymore because the door finally opened and the man that Cassandra saw earlier entered. She was so surprised to see his whole being.

"Welcome back, big boss. We present to you the woman you have been looking for, Cassandra Harper." The three men who kidnapped Cassandra bowed their heads in sync the moment that they saw the man who was also wearing a black tuxedo, but unlike the other three, it fit him perfectly. He looked totally handsome and fine with his looks.

"He's the big boss?" She whispered to herself, staring blankly at the man at the door.

The man they were calling the big boss came to step forward in front of Cassandra and looked down at her since she was still on the ground after they threw her. He smirked at her and just like how it shone the last time, it still mesmerized her as if he was putting a curse on her.

"I gave you a phone number, remember? I told you that we should talk about what happened last night. Why didn't you call me?" The man uttered in a low tone of voice which automatically gave Cassandra a shiver down her spine.

Her body began to tremble, she was so surprised that the man she had sex with last night was the owner of the luxurious mansion she was currently in. His aura looked different in all aspects since he wasn't drunk at the moment, but she was wondering if he remembered every single thing about last night.

Cassandra gulped as if her tongue had been cut and she couldn't talk properly. "Y'You… You're the man from last night." Those were the only words that she could utter after so long.

The man looked at the three men behind him and ordered them to leave the room for a while since they had an important thing to discuss. "Come on, get up there and fix yourself first before we talk." The man offered his hand to help Cassandra get up.

She took his hands, and as soon as she got up, she brushed off the dirt on her butt and looked at the man with a death glare. "Why did you have to kidnap me in such a way? You could have just told me that you wanted to talk to me, right? My supervisor was injured because of what you did." Cassandra said with a serious tone of voice.

The man just shrugged off his shoulders and pouted his lips. "Hm, because it's way too boring if I do it in such a cliche way?" He answered with a question, so Cassandra just heaved out a sigh.

"You even investigated my name. Look, it was just one night and I intend to forget about the things that happened between us. Can you just let me go?" She said.

He handed out his hands and looked directly into Cassandra's eyes. "Greyson. My name is Greyson Avery." He said in a very serious manner.

Cassandra just looked at his hands, then back at his face, hesitating to shake hands with him, but she still eventually stretched out her hands and shook hands with her. "Cassandra Harper and I believe you already know that," Cassandra uttered, then she quickly removed her hands.

Greyson walked over and sat on one of the couches in the small living area. "I have a proposal to make, Cassandra. We badly need to talk about it now." He told her as he stared into her eyes without even blinking.

She was sure that this was a mistake, but the more that she would talk and stared at the man in front of her, the more that she would get attached to him. What happened last night was just a one-time event and they shouldn't be talking to each other again.

"And that is?" She asked with her eyebrows raised upward.

He leaned forward and crossed his arms across his chest. "In 4 days, my wedding will be held at the Secret Tavern, but I can't contact my fiancee for some unknown reason. And now–"

Her eyes were left wide open the moment that she realized something. "What?! You're that billionaire who reserved the entire building for your grand wedding?! Are you kidding me?!" She asked in disbelief.

Greyson nodded his head continuously and smiled at her. "Yes, I am that person." He answered so casually, yet Cassandra was hysterical because of what she had learned.

"What? The man I slept with last night is a billionaire? How did this happen?" She continued to ask herself in disbelief while thinking back about what happened last night. "And? If you're already getting married, why do you still need me? Let me tell you something, Mr. Avery… I am not that type of person who would make the same mistake twice, okay?" She straightforwardly told the man in front of her.

She wasn't raised to be a mistress and the man wasn't even married yet, but he already intended to cheat on his fiancee. Cassandra would never tolerate such a thing because she was also a woman.

"Hey, calm down, will you? That's not what I'm thinking." He said with an emphasis, so Cassandra tried her best to calm down. "As I told you, I cannot get a hold of my future bride, so I am needing your help with something," Greyson said, waiting for her to respond.

"I'm not sure about this. What kind of help and what should help you benefit me? I'm busy working at the restaurant to earn money. Unlike you rich people who are taking this as a game." She told him with her eyes squinted.

Greyson scoffed and began to walk in Cassandra's direction. She was startled when he just suddenly leaned forward and attempted to kiss her, but he didn't proceed. He just teased Cassandra and he succeeded when he saw her gulp.

He smiled and leaned back. "Okay, think whatever you want. But what I am asking you is that, since we already shared the same bed last night and I'm also aware that I am the first man who took your virginity, I want you to help me by finishing the wedding."