Out Of The Comfort Zone

He couldn't make up his mind, which was why he just smiled instead. "Hello to you, too…" He uttered in the air while imagining the right thing to say when Cassandra greeted him first.

Hours had passed, Cassandra's shift finally ended and she came home with a headache and an aching heart. When she saw Greyson again at the Secret Tavern, she wasn't sure that she would be able to handle it, but she held her own without even showing any of her emotions in front of him at the time.

"Oh… Why? Why is he there?" She grunted while she threw her bag somewhere in her room. "I thought that we won't be able to see each other anymore after we finish the contract. He said we won't be having any communications after the wedding… Liar." She uttered silently in the air as if she was talking to herself.