Searching Failed

The woman then nodded and smiled back at him as she gestured for him to follow her. "Okay, I have a couple of ways to find out information on a certain painting, the first one is quite an essay, but it is tiring, that I can assure you right now." The woman told him as her tone of voice suddenly changed from a casual and laid-back tone to a more serious tone. 

This made Lucas think about what she said earlier as he wasn't interested in doing anything tedious at the time. "Umm… Are we going to carry paintings to the scanner to see who created them and see if that matches the artist who created the Pipe Dream?" He suddenly asked the woman out of nowhere as his curiosity got the best of him. 

"Huh? Scanner? What are you talking about?" She felt a bit dumbfounded as she found what Lucas said to her a little bit stupid for a man of his stature. She chuckled and laughed but still kept her professionalism while doing so.