For The Inner Peace

He checked the time on his wristwatch and seemed to be in a hurry. "I have to leave immediately.  I have an important meeting at 1 in the afternoon. Take care of the rest, Cornelia." Greyson exited the conference room without officially concluding the meeting.

As his new daily routine, he would go to C and Y Cafe after noon to visit Cassandra. Today was Wednesday and her days off were every Thursday and Friday, so Greyson also had no schedule for tomorrow.

"Riven, we just ran out of Arabica and Liberica. Could you kindly run the errand to order from the business down the street?" Cyril told Riven who just got back from the dining hall to serve a customer.

Riven was tired and mentally drained from roaming around the dining hall serving clients continually, and it was clear that she was just having difficulty refusing Cyril's command. She was perspiring profusely, her lips were pale, and she seemed ill.