Her New Admire

The two of them began to talk about various things regarding the property since that was where he planned to build the towers they would use to make the Vortex work. After some time, Lucas soon stood up to extend his hand for a formal handshake with the CEO.

"Think about it, Greyson. It's a great offer and I hope to hear from you soon," he said, waiting for Greyson's hand.

He stood up next and looked at Lucas' eyes, then he eventually extended his hand to adjourn their meeting. "I'll contact you soon enough," he replied.

Lucas had a curve on his lips and before he left Greyson's office, he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Greyson with his eyes squinted and said, "Oh, yeah. Before I forgot I wanna ask you something. You sure you're not into her?"

Greyson's eyes began to narrow down as if he was observing his friend's movements. "When you say her, are you talking about Cassandra?" he asked, and Lucas readily nodded.