Before the Academy

'System, open chat room'


Tatsuya- Hey! What's your mission?

Mikasa- Learn three ninjutsu in seven days. The rank of the Jutsu isn't classified so I plan on learning the three basic ones for now.

Tatsuya- Why?

Mikasa- I don't wanna use hand seals so I'll learn to mould my chakra without them. If I learn too much with hand seals, it'll be hard to forget. What about your mission?

Tatsuya- Get recognition from Sakumo Hatake regarding swords.

Mikasa- That's gonna be tougher than it looks since there's no time limit.

Tatsuya- It'll take around a month.

Mikasa- Academy starts in 5 months you know. Don't be weaker than me.

Tatsuya- Oh. Then how about a bet?

Mikasa- The weaker one will do one thing the stronger one says. How about it?

Tatsuya- Anything?

Mikasa- Yeah

Tatsuya- You should be careful with your words.]

The chatroom closed as I left. Looking at Sakumo who's busy with another ninja in a Jonin vest, I walk up to him, he doesn't react but I'm sure he knows I am here.

I pull his vest and say, "Hello."

He turned around and ask with a smile, "Hello. Do you need anything?" The kid with a sword piqued Sakumo's interest.

I didn't say anything just pointed my finger toward the short sword on his back. He was slightly surprised by my action but didn't have much of a reaction.

"Do you want my sword?" He asked.

I shook my head and said, "I have my partner, I don't need yours" while pointing at the sword hanging on my waist.

Sakumo smiled when he heard me say 'partner' rather than a sword. Others might not understand but to a swordsman, their sword is the most reliable partner they can ever get.

He was starting to like the unknown kid and asked, "So what do you want from me then?"

I didn't beat around the bush and bluntly said, "Teach me how to use a sword." With a look that was screaming 'I won't give up.'

Sakumo didn't know what to say so he instead asked, " What's your name kid?"

"Tatsuya Shiba" I replied without a delay.

"You are Shiba senpai's kid?" Sakumo asked.


Sakumo knew who Hayate Shiba was as he was pretty famous as the strongest genjutsu user in Konoha. And Sakumo had done missions with Shiba more than once but that guy will always tease him, saying that he might never get a girl.

"Then why do you want to learn Kenjutsu? You can ask your father for Genjutsu lessons any time you want." Sakumo was somewhat confused.

"Because I can't reach my goal with genjutsu alone," I said with a straight face.

"What's your goal?" The jonin Sakumo was talking to suddenly asked, this conversation was certainly entertaining for him.

"To be the strongest shinobi."

Both Sakumo and the jonin were surprised as most kids say their goal is to become the Hokage, but Tatsuya said 'The strongest shinobi' which means beyond Hokage.

Sakumo pondered for a moment before saying, "I'll teach you for a week, after that I'll be out of the village for some time. When I come back and your progress is good then I'll teach you."

"Thank you," Tatsuya said, certainly happy that Sakumo agreed before asking, "By the way, what's your name?"

"If you didn't know who he is, why did you ask him to teach you?" The jonin asked again.

"He is the strongest person I have ever seen holding a sword. Others are strong but no one uses a sword." Tatsuya was thinking about applying for an oscar when he saw Sakumo's expression.

"I am Sakumo Hatake. Nice to meet you."

I nodded and said," When can we start training?"

"How much time do you have for training?" Sakumo asked.

"I am free this week as my father is out for a mission and won't be back anytime soon."

"Do you know where the Hatake clan's residence is?"

I shook my head as I didn't know.

"Pack your clothes and stuff for a week. I'll come and pick you up at your house in 2 hours."

'A perfect kidnapper.' I thought while nodding and left. Since Sakumo said that he'll pick me up then there's no need to worry. Although not detailed, his character and reputation were that of a trustworthy fellow.

After three hours passed, I was standing outside of my house with a bag and a sword.

Suddenly a blur appeared in front of me, which then turned into Sakumo.

"Can we go now?" I asked.


Sakumo picked me up like a rag doll and started running over the roofs.

'If I was a normal kid, this will leave PTSD' I thought as I looked straight as I saw the academy where some kids were throwing shuriken here and there.

Before I knew it, we were standing in the forest behind the Hokage rock.

"Well, let's start. Show me your sword skills." Sakumo said while looking at me with a smile.

I didn't answer, just charged at him while taking my sword out of its sheath and slashing it towards him with all I've got. Even though I haven't unlocked my talent, the previous owner did practice with this sword a lot. Sakumo looked amused as he stepped to the side before moving his right leg in front of my legs and...

The sound of something hitting the ground came along with a child's painful groans.

Needless to say, that child was me and the thing that hit the ground was my freaking head.

"Is that self-taught?" Sakumo asked.

'Looks like he didn't notice the cut I just got on my cheek is already gone.' I thought, praising my regeneration ability.

"Yes," I said as no one ever taught me how to use a sword. I just picked it up from the previous user of this body.

"I see"

'This kid's talent is good and he is dedicated to Kenjutsu.' Sakumo thought with a smile.

" I'll start teaching you now so be careful," Sakumo said with a serious face.

I just nodded and started my training for real.



After a week passed since the training began and Sakumo left the village not too long ago. He said that if I were to pass his test then he'll train me in his skills. I also got some basic things like a guide to chakra control and how to transform the nature of one chakra.

Now after training my Kenjutsu, I start training on how to mould my chakra without using hand signs. It's hard but nothing like my almighty chakra manipulation. It'll take time but I'll be able to use Jutsu without using hand seals at all.

The training is quite simple, use a hand seal once, focus on the way your chakra moves, and try to replicate it. Good luck doing it without the almighty chakra manipulation talent. While I was training chakra control, I noticed some kind of energy in the environment, which I concluded to be natural energy. I tried moving it but it's hard, even for me. Probably because I lack practice with normal chakra. I can absorb a bit of it in my body to make it stronger tho.

I snapped out of my self-talk when I heard a notification pop up.


Mikasa- Hey! My mission is completed.

Tatsuya- Which three Ninjutsu did you learn?

Mikasa- Transformation technique, body replacement technique, clone technique.

Tatsuya- What about hand seals?

Mikasa- I can mould chakra for monkey seal without my hands now. What about you?

Tatsuya- I can do the bird seal without using my hands. What about the ninjutsu talent you got?

Mikasa- it's great. I can understand a Jutsu just by looking at it. When my Sharingan awakens, I'll be like a superior version of Kakashi with my chakra control talent.

Tatsuya- Which element are you focusing on?

Mikasa- Fire and wind for now. I'll learn the other elements to do what Kakashi did later. What about you?

Tatsuya- All of them.

Mikasa- You are still a psycho aren't you?

Tatsuya- Forget about that. Send me those three techniques you learned. Ask your system how to do it.

Mikasa- okay~



"Yes," I said, as all the information about the techniques was printed on my brain. I didn't practice them right now cause I have more important things to do. Even if the information was printed on my brain, it doesn't mean I can skip training in these techniques. After all, this is just theoretical knowledge.

My training schedule is very simple, five hours of Kenjutsu training in the morning, and the rest of the day for the chakra control training. While training one element per day, a week passed.

Sakumo will return to the village tomorrow.

Sakumo came back from his mission and after a day of rest, he came to our training place. After my 'test' or more like a beating session for me, he accepted me as a direct student. Although my Kenjutsu talent is still locked, learning techniques that you'll teach a 4-year-old kid is still easy, so Sakumo thinks I have more talent than he thought.

[Congratulations host]

[Quest- Gain Sakumo's recognition - Complete]

[Hidden Condition- Become Sakumo's disciple]

[Time Taken- 15 days]


(i)Kenjutsu Talent - Awakened

(ii)Upgrade a normal weapon to a weapon that can conduct chakra.

(iii)50 points]

[All the functions of the system are available now.]

'That was way faster than expected' I thought as it took less than 20 days to complete the quest.

I went home not long after that, Sakumo gave me a scroll with Kenjutsu techniques and said to practice it until I graduate from the academy and officially become his disciple.

'He must've been thinking it'll take years before I graduated. Poor guy.' I thought, imagining what kind of face he'll make when I graduate so young.

[ Tatsuya Shiba(Host)

Chakra- Peak Genin




(i)Chakra manipulation


(iii)All elemental affinities

(iv)Kenjutsu (sword techniques)

(v)Fuinjutsu (sealing techniques)- Unawakened

Elemental affinities-







Natural Energy-

Kekkei Genkai-

(i) ?????- Unawakened

(ii)?????- Unawakened


10 empty slots



'System, how does borrow work?' I asked.

[It allows the host to borrow lesser versions of skills, and talents from your partner.]

[How much the host can borrow will depend on how much your partner has mastered them.]

[As for Kekkei Genkai, the host can borrow certain types of enhancement from it. For example, when your partner opens her Mangekyou Sharingan, you will be able to draw out a certain skill from it, like Susano.]

'That ability is so broken even with restrictions.' I thought, genuinely surprised.

'But Mikasa's Mangekyou ability will be interesting to see.'

'What's the storage capacity of my inventory?' I asked again.

[The capacity for each slot is enough to store the whole village of Konoha more than once. The restriction is that you can only store a single kind of item in each slot. If a slot is dedicated to weapons, it can not be used to store something other than weapons.]

'I see. Can it store humans?' I asked as it'll be very helpful.

[No, living beings can not be stored right now. Dead bodies can be stored.]

'So it can be done in the future. How can I take the things inside the inventory out' I said in my mind.

[It can be done with a thought, what the host needs and how much. As for the distance, the host can summon the things inside the inventory within the one-meter radius. The distance can be increased later on.]

'That's good. Let's reply to her now or she'll be angry. System, open the chatroom.'


Mikasa- You completed your mission so soon? (4 min ago)

Tatsuya- Yeah. He even accepted me as a disciple.

Mikasa- Must've been nice training with someone like him. I've been stuck with Mikoto ever since I asked her to teach me three basic Jutsu.

Tatsuya- Don't whine about something like that. Hey, show me your status.

Mikasa- Just ask your system about it.

Tatsuya- Okay.]

'System, show me Mikasa's status.' The chatroom disappeared and another screen popped up in its place.

[ Mikasa Uchiha

Chakra- Peak Genin


(i)Body replacement technique

(ii)Clone technique

(iii)Transformation technique

(iv) Shurikenjutsu(F)


(i)Chakra manipulation


(iii)All elemental affinities


(v)Medical Jutsu- Unawakened

(vi) Kenjutsu (10%)

Elemental affinities-







Natural Energy-

Kekkei Genkai-

(i)?????- Unawakened ]

[Current limit of borrow- 10%]

'Her Uchiha bloodline gives her a boost for the fire element, huh. Borrow her talent for ninjutsu.' I said as I felt my understanding of the three basic ninjutsu techniques increase rapidly.

'System, what about the quest for unlocking our second talents?, I asked.

[The host can wait for the quest to be issued or can learn fuinjutsu to a certain level to unlock the talent.]

'Then why did you ask me to get Sakumo's recognition? I could've practised Kenjutsu on my own.' I thought.

[The first quest needs to be completed and that quest just happens to be the first one.]

'That so.'

'System, open shop and show me the things I can afford.' I said.







????? (Locked)

????? (Locked)]

'These functions are locked, huh? Unlike Kekkei Genkai or talents, we can't just awaken them.' I thought, wondering if something interesting will happen.

After scrolling through the shop, I bought a chakra hiding technique for 50 points. 50 points were quite a lot since this technique also uses natural energy to hide the chakra. It'll help me learn how to control natural energy better.

'System, absorb this technique and also send a copy of it to Mikasa with a note saying (Learn this and make your chakra appear around high-level genin in the academy.)'

[Yea, host]

'I also need to practice this technique, although, with the system I can understand it instantly, that doesn't mean I can just use it without practice.'




This chapter was more like a basic rundown of the system functions.