
3rd Person Pov-

The Kazekage frowned, looking at the two intruders, he could tell that their chakra hiding technique was very good. He looked around, the civilians and the shinobi of Sand have started gathering around. Although the damage was huge, no one died in the first attack.

This was done on purpose, if they kill many civilians as they planned to, Pakura would get suspicious since Tatsuya told her that his purpose is to delay war. Of course, that doesn't mean they can't kill shinobis.

Tatsuya wasn't worried about their identities being exposed because of the Mask. The Kazekage might have his suspicions but he won't be able to blame him or Mikasa unless he comes in contact with them again.

"Evacuate the citizens, seal off the village. No one will interfere in this battle." The Kazekage ordered as he already regarded the two masked kids as a threat. Although he can't feel their chakra, he knew they were strong.

While this was happening, no one noticed that the clouds were now changing at a rate visible to the naked eye. Tatsuya was preparing Kirin as a goodbye gift for the Kazekage.

"Well, I'll get going then," Mikasa said while looking at Tatsuya.

"Only 30%, okay? And be sure to take their blood." Tatsuya said while emphasising the 30%. It was the amount of Sand Ninjas that were assembled near the Rain village they plan on killing.

"I know," Mikasa said as she used the Flying Thunder God to disappear.

The Kazekage who saw this was dumbfounded, that wasn't a body flick, that masked girl just disappeared.

Tatsuya looked around, there was no one in the vicinity now, the only one left other than him was the Kazekage. While the people were evacuating, the Kazekage summoned all the iron sand he could. As the Kazekage was busy summoning his iron sand, Tatsuya placed a Flying Thunder God mark on the ground.

Tatsuya extended his right hand as lightning condensed in it.


Activating the 'Eye of Insight', he used chakra to enhance his feet as he jumped straight towards the Kazekage who was on his iron sand platform, floating midair.

'Fast' was the only thought that the Kazekage had. The platform below his legs extended to create a shield for him. Raikiri pierced right through the shield like paper before stabbing the bewildered Kazekage in his chest.

Tatsuya frowned, this was too easy. Before he could do anything, the Kazekage in front of him turned into Iron sand, trapping him as it wrapped around his arm.

'Iron Sand Shower'

Countless small spikes made of Iron sand were now coming towards Tatsuya. If it weren't for the Eyes of Insight, his only option would've been to use Flying Thunder God.

'Chidori Nagashi'

The Raikiri in Tatsuya's hand dispersed as he released Chidori everywhere around his body. His Chidori Nagashi was stronger than the one used by Sasuke in the anime. Most of the Iron sand spikes were stopped by Chidori Nagashi. Tatsuya enhanced his body with chakra and destroyed the platform he was on with a kick. The iron sand affected by his lightning release was now useless for the Kazekage as he was unable to control it anymore. It'll stay like this for a few minutes before this effect wore off.

'He is strong.' was what both Tatsuya and Kazekage thought as they looked at each other.

Although the Lightning release didn't have an advantage against the Kazekage, it still rendered him unable to use it for a few minutes.

The Kazekage looked around, seeing that all the civilians have been evacuated successfully, he said, "Now that everyone is gone, I'll ask you. What do you want?"

"Well, the mission is to stop you guys from starting the second shinobi war. My reason is to fight you." 'And destroy a part of your village as a gift.' Tatsuya continued in his mind.

"That's why you let the civilians evacuate?" The Kazekage asked.

"They have nothing to do with our fight, and I won't kill people who can't even resist." Tatsuya lied as naturally as he breathed.

"So I take it while you're keeping me busy, that girl is on her way to our headquarters near the Rain village?"He asked, already knowing the answer.

"You sure are composed for someone who is about to get 30% of his subordinates killed. Why not bring out the Jinchuriki to deal with me?" Tatsuya said.

"A Jinchuriki is a weapon for war, it has no place for a battle between two humans. As for the 30% you are talking about, they are all shinobi, they should be prepared to die at a moment's notice. And if your partner isn't strong enough, she'll die." He said with a smile. Tatsuya understood that there may be another Kage tier in the camp.

"Don't worry, we'll see the results later. And since there's no one in the village anymore, how about you take out the iron sand lying everywhere." Tatsuya said as he activated the Ketsuryūgan.

"The last time I fought seriously was against that bastard A. Let's see if you are as fun as him." The Kazekage said as the ground vibrated. Tons of iron sand started coming out of it.

Tatsuya waved his hand, 100 spears made of blood appeared around him, floating in the air. He directly summoned balls of blood around him, turning them into spears. However, that wasn't all.

All of the spears were covered with lightning nature chakra. This attack was something he copied from one of his favourite characters of all time, Gilgamesh. The logic is pretty simple, spam weapons on your enemy until he's dead.

The Kazekage knew it was about time they start fighting for real. Tatsuya waved his hand, all the spears moved towards the Kazekage at a very fast speed.

'Iron Wall'

A wall made of iron sand was created in front of the Kazekage. He was about to use the same trick he did earlier, disappear while his opponent couldn't see him. But before he could, he felt the already hot temperature suddenly go up by another level.

'Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique'

A fireball big enough to swallow the Kazekage whole was headed towards him.

The Kazekage gathered iron sand below his feet, using it as a spring to launch himself upwards, avoiding the fireball. A platform made of iron sand was floating above him as he used his feet to launch himself at Tatsuya while he condensed a spear in his right hand.

'He used the platform midair to change his direction and launch himself towards me? Compared to him, Rasa and Gaara are like children throwing sand everywhere.' He thought as he watched the Kazekage heading towards him. As the spear was about to hit Tatsuya, he disappeared.

He could've blocked it, but that would've injured him as well. So he decided to teleport instead.

"A space type ninjutsu," The Kazekage said, looking at Tatsuya who appeared at his initial position.

The Kazekage decided to see how far this masked kid can go against him. It was clear that he was stronger than him, but he knew the kid can escape anytime he want.

The iron sand below him formed a platform as it started floating.

"Let's see if you will escape from this or dodge it." The Kazekage said as all the iron sand in the area, except his platform, condensed into a ball floating in front of him.

'Iron Sand World Method'

Spears started appearing from the ball of iron sand, they appeared randomly as they covered all the ground above Tatsuya.

'It's the same technique Sasori used against Sakura. But the power and speed are incomparable. Even without the poison, any single one of those spikes will kill me. As expected of the strongest Kazekage. Even Hiruzen won't be his opponent if he didn't summon that monkey.'

'Ninja Art Creation Rebirth — Strength of a Hundred Technique'

Tatsuya activated his best card, he wanted to see how far he can go. Even if he used his wood release, it wasn't yet comparable to Hashirama. The iron spears will be able to pass through it easily.

The Kazekage waved his hand, all the spears started moving downwards randomly. Tatsuya did his best to dodge, even the Eye of Insight wasn't able to keep up with the spears. If it wasn't for his natural perception, he would've been full of holes right now.

After the attack ended, Tatsuya was standing in between a web made of iron sand, his option to move around were reduced by more than 80%.

"So kid, do you want to con-" Before the Kazekage could finish, he noticed that all the wounds that Tatsuya had a minute ago were gone. Even the palm-size hole in his right leg. The Kazekage was now able to see the markings on Tatsuya's body as he frowned, 'What kind of forbidden Jutsu allows someone to heal something like that in a short amount of time? This guy is a battle maniac. These types of kids are hard to come by these days.' He thought while grinning.

Indeed, ever since the end of the Warring States Period, the next generation is getting weaker than the previous one. Even if there is a lot of killing involved in a shinobi's life even now, the world is still more stable than it was before.

The Kazekage was the youngest amongst the third generation of Kage, with Onoki being the oldest.

"Are all the current Kages this powerful?" Tatsuya said, a smile under his mask.

"More or less." The Kazekage shrugged, this unknown kid has more than enough capital to talk to him like this.

'I can see why they were all dead except Onoki before the start of the canon.' Tatsuya thought. The Kazekage's attack just now could easily wipe out armies if he used it in a bigger range.

"But you were careless," Tatsuya said.

The Kazekage frowned as he looked around, he was still floating midair with no major injury. It's been around 30 minutes since they started fighting, although they can still go on, it's pointless. Tatsuya knows he can't beat anyone from the third generation of Kage just yet, and the Kazekage knew that the kid can escape the moment he wants to.

"What's your name?" Tatsuya said without waiting.

"Huh? You attacked a village, without even knowing the name of its Kage?" The Kazekage was dumbfounded. Which sane person will just attack a village without even knowing about those he'll be fighting.

Tatsuya didn't know what to say, he didn't even bother to ask someone about the Kazekage's name.

The Kazekage sighed, in this world, only the strong were respected. So he didn't really mind that this kid was treating him like an old friend. After seeing this kid, the desire to grow stronger was once again rising within his heart. If he ran into the kid in a few years, he'll definitely have a hard time, who wants to go through something so embarrassing?

"It's Yato. You won't tell me your name I assume?" Yato asked.

"Maybe next time. But do you know what time it is right now?" Tatsuya was barely holding back his laughter.

"What? It's morning, isn't that ob-" Yato didn't finish what he was about to say as he noticed that unlike before, there wasn't even an ounce of sunlight here. He looked up, only to see black clouds covering half of the village.

"Hahahahahaha" Tatsuya couldn't stop laughing as he saw Yato's face. Yato seriously believed that he was out of tricks to use. Tatsuya then raised his right hand towards the sky, as the thunder started gathering above Yato within the clouds.

While Yato was regretting not beating the kid more and collecting his iron sand to form a protective barrier around himself, Tatsuya's hand moved downwards.


The Lightning moved downwards in the shape of a dragon. Yato knew that if he got hit by that, he won't be in a good shape.

He created iron rods around himself in advance, which were already planted in the ground. The rods absorbed most of the impact while destroying almost 1/4th of the sand village.

'Huh? Did he use his iron sand pillars to send the lightning in the ground? How the hell did he even come up with such an idea in a world without science?'

While Tatsuya was busy in his thoughts, Yato came out of the rubble, now his clothes were in the same situation as Tatsuya and he was injured as well.

Yato looked around, he was thinking of how much it'll cost to repair all this. While it's true his attack also destroyed some buildings, it wasn't much when compared to what Tatsuya did. But he didn't think about it too much, every decade or so Shukaku will destroy a part of the village after taking over the Jinchuriki. As long as the people are safe, the village will forever exist- was what his teacher told him.

'Hmm. What's this? The Kurama clan's Kekkei Genkai finally showed some signs of awakening, it'll surely awaken within a year.' Tatsuya was delighted as he finally understood what the weird feeling was.

"Until next time, Yato," Tatsuya said as if he was saying it to an old friend. Yato was about to curse but Tatsuya disappeared.

Yato again looked at the now rubble centre part of the village and sighed.

"So much work." Yato said, forgetting that 30% of his subordinates have already been killed.

Tatsuya appeared in the Land of Hot Waters. This was the place he and Mikasa decided to meet up after they are done. Since Mikasa wasn't here, he just went towards a famous inn.

"Would you like to book a room, sir?" The manager asked. Although Tatsuya was a kid, he was wearing his headband. So the manager didn't dare to say anything rude.

"I want to book this whole place for seven days. I'll pay double the normal price so make it quick. How much will it be?" Tatsuya said as the manager blinked.

"That'll be 80,000 Ryo normally ." The manager said absentmindedly.

Tatsuya tossed a bag full of coins toward him and said, "It should be 200,000. Make it quick."

This was just the amount he'll get after doing a B rank mission. It wasn't much for him.

The manager's eyes lit up as he looked at the bag full of money. He didn't even bother to explain anything to the other customers as he shooed them away within an hour. He ordered the servant to show Tatsuya the best room they have. After arriving at the room, Tatsuya was laying on the bed, thinking about how strong Yato was.

While this was happening, Mikasa was standing in the middle of a sea of blood. Hundreds of corpses all around her. Most of them were burned thoroughly. Unlike what Tatsuya thought, there was no Kage tier ninja here to resist Mikasa. When the Kazekage said Mikasa will die, he thought her strength was that of a Peak Jonin. Alas, if only he knew.

As she killed more and more people, she could feel that her eyes were getting stronger. 'So without the bloodline limit, as long as I train hard enough or kill a certain number of people, my eyes will keep on evolving?' She smiled thinking that it's better this way.

'System, can you collect all the remaining blood from these corpses?' She asked in her mind.

[It's possible but it'll consume the host's chakra]

'Collect it and send it to Tatsuya's inventory.'

"Should I collect some more?" She said as the blood in her surroundings disappeared.

She looked at the kid with auburn hair, he was half-dead. It was Rasa, Gaara's father. She thought that he might be useful now that Pakura will be listening to Tatsuya.

But that didn't stop her from collecting some blood from the half-dead Rasa before leaving.

The whole shinobi world was in an uproar. One of the strongest shinobi village was half destroyed within a day. The only reason the remaining villages didn't attack the Sand was because they weren't aware of the details of the party that attacked the Sand. They can't have such a variable while they attack someone. And the Hokage was having a heart attack, he clearly remembered that the goal of the mission was to avoid war, not to create one.

As for the main criminals who created this whole mess, they were currently enjoying the beauty of life as they laid back in a hot spring big enough for 100 people all by themselves. Mikasa was in her favourite place, that being Tatsuya's lap. They stayed in the Land of Hot Springs for a whole day before going back the next day. They told the owner they may come back within this week, so that he won't rent it to someone else. To which he agreed. Since they've already paid double the amount for seven days, there's no problem with this arrangement.

They teleported into their house, but what awaited them wasn't the empty bedroom they hoped for.

The room was full of people, which included Hiruzen, Shikado, Fukame, Akito, Jiraiya, Hayate, Tsunade and Dan.

"Why are you all here?" Tatsuya asked. His original plan was to kill half of Sand's population but that changed because of recruiting Pakura. Since he didn't cause a genocide, why are they so serious?

"Since we have all the time we need, let's have a fun chat." Shikado said, he was losing it the moment he saw them arrive.