
Mikasa Pov-

"So, how long are we going to sit here and look at the village like we're going to destroy it?" I asked Tatsuya.

"Just wait. We need to do this perfectly, it'll be too suspicious that someone looted the Anbu Headquarters the day we returned." Tatsuya said.

Although it looked like we were having fun, all of our focus was on using natural perception to check the situation inside the Anbu Headquarters.

"Found it," Tatsuya said with a smile.

"Let's go," I said as we both hid our presence to the maximum, even using the ability of Assasin's cloak.

"The strongest one here is just a Peak Jonin," I said as we looked at the so-called 'Anbu Headquarters'. Honestly, it wasn't anything special. It was more or less an underground facility located in the forest behind the Hokage Rock.

It wasn't hard for us to sneak inside since the guards were just some random Jonin. We made sure to sneak in at a time when Hayate wasn't here. Although we are confident, it's best to not risk it.

The base was almost empty since most of the Anbu have guard duty.

"The storage room should be there," I muttered. We already have the map of the Anbu Headquarters since we captured an Anbu that was outside the village before reading his memories. It would've been troublesome to do it inside the village.

After making sure that no one was inside the storage room, I grabbed Tatsuya's hand before we disappeared. Unlike Tatsuya, who can only teleport through walls without a mark, teleporting without a mark isn't difficult for me to do in a short range.

We appeared in a room full of documents. They were neatly arranged in sections. We even doubted that the village did it to ease our workload.

"Let's see" Tatsuya muttered as he looked around the different sections. There were many kinds of documents, about shinobi from different villages, previous wars, the history of Konoha, etc.

"Found it," I said as my eyes fell upon the records of people living in the village during the years 45 to 51. There were a lot of documents in that section, every one of them filled with information about the people living in the village.

"Troublesome," Tatsuya said while looking at the documents in front of us.

We started searching through the thousands of documents like madmen. If it wasn't for us having the 'Eye of Insight', it would've taken months for us to do this.

The 'Eye of Insight' is very convenient, all we need to do was to look at a document before we understood what was written in it. After three hours of hard work, we finally shortlisted our suspects to 11 individuals. They are most likely spies from other villages. The Mist village wasn't included since Hikari already told us about their spy inside Konoha.

"Now that we're done with the storage vault, let's go deeper into the Anbu Headquarters," Tatsuya said as we teleported again. Reappearing in the deepest part of the Anbu Headquarters.

"This place should only be available to the Hokage or the Anbu Commander," I said while looking around.

This place was almost impossible to find for others. Even the Anbu Headquarters was hidden so well that an enemy spy can't find it. The only reason we were able to find it was because of our natural perception and the memories from the Anbu.

"There it is," Tatsuya said as he picked up a file.

This file contained information about the spies planted in other villages by Konoha, most of the spies had their families living inside the village, they were basically hostages. This was precisely what we needed for our plan to start a war between the Sand and the Leaf.

"Hm? Why is that scroll here?" I said while I picked up a scroll half my size. It was the 'Scroll of Seals' that was supposed to be inside the Hokage's residence.

"Looks like the scene where Naruto was able to steal the scroll was planned by Hiruzen after all," Tatsuya muttered as I nodded.

'System, copy it.' I commanded inside my head before a hologram appeared in front of us.

[Negative. The scroll contains more than one Jutsu so it can't be copied.]

"Useless." Both of us said at the same time.

"Since we can't take it with us, you should learn whatever you want from it. I'll look around." Tatsuya said before he disappeared. Since Ninjutsu is my speciality, it isn't a bad deal to learn some Forbidden Jutsus.

As I was reading through the scroll, most of the Jutsus written inside were created by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

It wasn't hard for me to learn all of them, all I needed to do was just read them once. But the more I read, the more interesting it became.

"This guy, he was insane," I muttered with a smile on my face.

On the very last of the scroll, there was another storage seal within it. It was the 'Blood seal' from the Uzumaki clan, which required the creator's blood to open it. Of course, I didn't have Tobirama's blood. But there was a much simpler answer to this. Just destroy the seal.

It wasn't that hard to destroy the seal, it was a method Tatsuya came up with. It could potentially break the Dead Demon Seal without sacrificing oneself, so what can this Blood Seal do? After breaking the storage seal, a scroll much smaller than the previous one appeared.

As I was reading through the scroll, I frowned. The last school contained techniques like 'Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags', one of the most dangerous techniques out there, along with 'Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation' and the 'Flying Thunder God' which Minato mastered. The 'Spirit Transformation Technique' was also there.

But the scroll in my hands right now didn't have complete techniques. They were prototypes. Prototypes that if exposed, will ruin Tobirama's image as the Hokage. Hell, people might even start calling him worst than Uchiha Madara. I couldn't hide the smile on my face. If you compare the incomplete techniques within the small scroll to the Impure World Reincarnation, which involves summoning the dead from the 'Pure Land' and having them fight against their wills, the latter will be considered generous.

These were all techniques I planned on creating eventually, but to think a dead man will do it for me. There was no shortage of things that'll make Orochimaru look like a nice kid. Tobirama even tried to merge the two souls, but he lacked the knowledge about souls, to begin with. So he started with summoning dead souls from the afterlife, this technique was what served as the base for Impure World Reincarnation.

But the most interesting thing was that he tried to create a Jutsu related to 'Time'. But he didn't have the talent for it, the only thing he was good at was 'Space'.

As I was busy reading the scroll like it was my favourite light novel, Tatsuya appeared.

"Something good?" He asked, the smile on my face was still there.

"Yeah. I'll tell you after we leave." I said before tossing the small scroll into my inventory.

"I got the contract scroll of Rashōmon," Tatsuya said before tossing a large scroll towards me.

As I opened the scroll, the last name written on it was 'Orochimaru', followed by 'Hashirama'.

"If the contract is the same, why did Orochimaru only summon three of the gates while Hashirama summoned five?" I asked, confused.

"He wasn't strong enough? Probably?" Tatsuya replied.

"Let's take the contract scroll with us. It's not like they'll notice anything soon. If this scroll was important, there would've been more names on it." I said while Tatsuya nodded.

"Let's create a fake one to replace it," Tatsuya said.

After cleaning the mess we created, we left. Appearing in our house, we realised that we had forgotten about Hikari and Pakura being with us.

"You guys sure took your time?" Pakura said with a smile.

"Welcome back, Master, Mistress." Our Perfect Maid said. She is a professional.

"Hikari, have you told Pakura about what we are planning?" Tatsuya asked.

"Yes, Master," Hikari replied without delay.

"What are your thoughts about it?" I asked Pakura. Her opinion matters right now. She thought for a while before replying.

"Do you guys really want to start a war?" Pakura asked with a serious face.

"We do." Both of us replied at the same time. It wasn't just for Roran, the main reason for war is to awaken my 'Mangekyō Sharingan'. My eyes evolve the more people I kill, it's more or less the effect of removing the bloodline limitations. As for Tatsuya, he needs a battlefield to awaken the Kurama clan's Kekkei Genkai.

"Fine, but only this time." Pakura didn't say much. I understand, not everyone is a maniac like us.

Hikari was somewhat pale now, she thought that we were joking about the war earlier but she knew that Pakura won't say a joke like that. We decided to ignore her.

"Well, we are going to start the first part of our plan. You guys should wait here. After we are done, we'll show you around the village." Tatsuya said with a smile. Pakura loved travelling for some reason, so it was the best way to cheer her up. After some time, we left.

Since it's daytime, we decided to look for our targets, visiting them right now might end up causing trouble. I also ordered my shadow clone inside the Sand village to look for our target. Pakura's image in the Sand right now is good, so it won't be hard for the clone to inquire about the spy Konoha placed in there.

And so, the day passed.

It was midnight and we decided to visit our targets. Most of the spies were acting as civilians, with two of them being Genin. One of the Genin spies belonged to the Sand while the other was from the Cloud.

We visited each one of them separately while altering the memories of spies placed by the Sand.

The memories were simple, Konoha is gathering manpower and plans on attacking the Sand village. One of the biggest supporters of this plan is Hatake Sakumo. The reason for doing this was even simpler, there's no way for the Sand to confirm it. The first reaction they'd have will most likely be arranging their military power.

After doing what we came for, we appeared in Pakura's house. After asking the clone about the whereabouts of our target, we visited the guy. He was the spy placed by the Leaf in the Sand.

The memories planted in his head were similar to the other spies. The only difference was that the reason for the Sand's attack was resources, which was quite believable.

The memories we placed will awaken in three days, and it'll take around a week for the spies to inform their respective villages, so we decided to do something that'll make our plan more believable.

We started killing Shinobi from both of the villages. It was easy enough to use techniques that'll automatically blame the other side. But we weren't too obvious about it, all we did was leave some clues.

The number of people we killed wasn't that great, it will take both villages around a week to notice this abnormality. Along with the news they'll receive from the spies, it'll be more believable. More than half of our plan was done.




"This guy was insane," Tatsuya said the same thing I did while reading the scroll left by Tobirama.

"But his theory about time is useless before we visit the Source of the Ryūmyaku," I said.

"Can't you create something like the 'Heaven Devouring Battle Law' or the 'Immortal-Devouring Demonic Art'?" Tatsuya asked with some anticipation. The corner of my mouth twitched. 'He's asking me to create something that'll be considered the peak no matter where you are? That sounds fun.' I thought.

{A/N- It's just a reference.}

"I'll try but I doubt Ninjutsu can reach that level. Something like that is even beyond what the Rinnegan did while absorbing Ninjutsu." I said. Honestly, it was almost impossible. But it doesn't hurt to try it.

Those techniques were probably the biggest cheats one could get apart from a system. Even a system wasn't as trustworthy as a technique someone mastered, so it was better in some aspects. The main problem in the Naruto world is evolution. The humans here can't evolve into some higher level of existence without something like the 'Karma' seal.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. Our priority is to awaken Tatsuya's Kekkei Genkai and evolve my Sharingan before going to the Source of the Ryūmyaku.