The Source of Ryūmyaku

Tatsuya Pov-

The first thing we did after visiting Roran was information gathering. After some work, we found that Sēramu was able to control the situation after our first visit by claiming that we were nothing more than a bunch of thieves. Any information regarding us was bought by the Royal family of Roran at a high price.

"Should we destroy another portion of this country?" Mikasa asked.

I pondered for a moment before saying, "No, I need some time to prepare something. It'll troublesome if things got out of hand while using the Ryūmyaku. Even with our Chakra Manipulation talent, taking over such a large amount of chakra at once will be troublesome." What we were about to do wasn't something simple like controlling puppets or strengthening one's body, so it'll be difficult.

Mikasa looked at me with a smile before asking, "What are you making?"

"Some Seals to make our work easier. Let's leave this place to our clones." I said before we both created a single shadow clone. The clones were ordered to take it slow and create chaos inside Roran while hiding, slowly increasing the range of their attacks. The reason was simple, to give us some time to prepare.

Sticking the Seal that'll allow them to absorb Natural Energy and sustain themselves as long as the original wasn't dead, we left after handing over some five hundred explosive tags. Although they were our clones, they didn't have any knowledge regarding the system or our past life.

We weren't worried about the 'System Error' that happened not too long ago. It wasn't something we could control either way. In the end, I concluded that it was related to the thing that ROB said before reincarnating us, so he'll probably notify us in some way.

As we appeared inside our house again, Mikasa asked, "How long will it take you to create those Seals?"

"Probably four months." I replied after thinking about it. The Seals I am creating are way too complex, even for me.

Mikasa was slightly surprised by my answer and asked again, "What kind of Seals are you making?" I just smiled at her without answering.

She rolled her eyes at me before saying, "Forget it. I'll prepare what I need as well. Let me borrow your Creation of All Things for a while when we're at the Ryūmyaku."

"Sure." I replied with a smile. Although she used the word 'borrow', it wasn't the system function she was talking about. It was more like giving control of my ability over to her for a short period. This way, she'll be able to create her space-related ability while I create my abilities. If it wasn't for the massive amount of Chakra provided by the Ryūmyaku, using the Creation of All Things like this would've been impossible.

And so, four months passed.




"What are you thinking about?" Pakura asked as she leaned back on my chest while sitting on my lap. In the past four months, my relationship with her improved a lot. We were currently on an isolated island, I came here for my experiments with the seal I was creating. As for Pakura, she came here to survive after accidentally burning Mikasa's research work. Mikasa also drops by whenever she's free from her research.

Hikari returned to the Hidden Mist after hearing that we'll be gone for a while. She planned on staying until the war was over anyway. She was starting to miss her brother and it was about time that she told the Mizukage that he was somehow cured.

As for how Hikari will convince the Mizukage about her brother being cured? She just said that she'll handle everything herself. Mikasa also gave her a permanent Shadow Clone along with 15000 explosive tags in case she messed things up.

'What are you trying to do? Destroy the Hidden Mist?' I thought.

Ignoring the fact that Tsunade almost destroyed the Hokage's office, nothing big happened inside Konoha. We also got a vacation thanks to Tsunade's request(threat).

I rested my head on Pakura's right shoulder before answering, "Nothing."

She moved her head, rubbing her cheek against mine while asking, "When are we gonna start our plans for Roran?"

"As soon as the mass production is over." I said while turning towards my twelve clones working on twelve different seals. The one I created was the biggest one that'll be used as the centre.

After creating this seal, I realised how terrifying Fuinjutsu can be in this world. No wonder the Uzumaki clan was exterminated.

The country of Roran was established with the Source of Ryūmyaku as its centre. Except for the seal I created, each seal had a number written on it, from One to Twelve, in Roman letters. The seal I created will be placed on the Ryūmyaku while the twelve seals created by my clones will be placed around Roran, creating a circle, or a clock to be precise.

It was my last resort in case the Source of Ryūmyaku wasn't enough.

{Hey, the Queen of Roran just requested help from the Hidden Sand Village. We'll be leaving tomorrow.} I heard Mikasa's voice inside my head, snapping me out of my inner monologue. It was her clone that was replacing Pakura in the Hidden Sand. Although Pakura left her clone inside the Sand, it wasn't strong enough so we switched it with Mikasa's clone instead.

{I'll bring Pakura there in a few minutes.} I replied before turning towards Pakura.

"The Queen of Roran requested help from the Sand Village, you should go back." I said while patting her head.

"When will you guys come?" Pakura asked as she got up.

"It'll take a week before they're done." I replied while looking at my hard-working clones.

Pakura tilted her head in confusion before asking, "Can't you just create more clones?"

"I can create more clones but that won't speed up the process. It's complicated. Even if I joined them, it won't help." I said. Although it sounds like an excuse, it's the truth. All twelve seals must be created at the same time. So even if I joined them, I'll have to match the speed of my clones.

I tried using 'Creation of All Things' to create them but it didn't work. The 'Creation of All Things' works on the principle of Equivalent Exchange. The stronger something is, the more energy it'll take to create it. Considering the strength of this Seal, it was impossible to create it with my current chakra reserves.

I grabbed Pakura's hand before we teleported inside her house, we were greeted by Mikasa's clone standing there. The clone transferred some memories inside Pakura's head before disappearing.

"Our clones will contact you after you reach Roran. The plan is simple, just hand over the 'criminals' you captured after a lot of hard work while gathering information about the Ryūmyaku." I said the last part as slowly as possible, hoping that she'll understand.

Our clones have already prepared the 'criminals' who were behind the terrorist attacks inside Roran.

Pakura rolled her eyes at my bad sense of humour before replying, "Yes, boss."

"I'll get going then." I said as she moved to give me a little kiss on my cheek.

"Take care." She said with a smile. I smiled back at her before disappearing.

Appearing inside our house, I was greeted by something I never expected to see in my lifetime. Our room was on fire?

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked Mikasa, who was lying on the ground, buried in documents. Except for the documents around her, everything else was burning.

While I was creating the seal, Mikasa was busy studying what she knew about space from our past life along with Tobirama's research notes. Although space-related abilities were rare in our past life, it wasn't unheard of.

"Sleeping." I heard Mikasa's muffled voice.

I sighed as a scroll appeared in front of me, floating midair. Not long after, a sealing formula appeared on the scroll with a blank space left in its centre.

'Fire Sealing Method'

All of the flames inside our room were sucked in by the blank space at the centre of the 'Fire Sealing Method.'

Using Creation of All Things, creating a B-Rank seal like this wasn't much trouble. The end product of this seal wasn't something strong, so the energy required in creating it wasn't much. While I was at it, I also repaired the whole room. Since it was just basic furniture and some burn marks, a single thought was enough to repair them all.

I walked toward the pile of documents before dragging Mikasa out of it. Placing her on the bed, I rested her head on my lap. There were dark circles under her eyes.

"Are you done?" I asked, massaging her head.

"More or less. What about you?" She answered, rubbing her eyes.

"It'll take a week."

"What ability do you plan on creating?" She asked, not expecting a reply.

I smiled before answering, "The first plan is to upgrade The Ketsuryūgan."

"Upgrade?" She asked, doubtful.

"Yeah. It can control liquids with high iron concentration. Blood just happens to be one of them. I'll change it into something that can specifically control blood." I was about to continue before Mikasa interrupted me.

"That would just decrease your options." She commented. 'At least hear me out before jumping to conclusions.' I thought, rolling my eyes.

"It'll be something like sucking the vitality out of someone and using it to heal my wounds or replenishing my energy. And the original looks like crap, I'll change it into something decent." I said. After encountering Madara, I decided not to trust the Creation Rebirth too much. The same goes for the Creation of All Things. No matter how good the ability is, if there's no energy to use, it'll be useless.

"I see, it does look like crap. Then what's your second plan?"

Hearing that, I replied with a smile, "To create an Angel."

She looked at me for some time before realising what I was about to create. She asked with a grin, "Isn't that a little too op for this world?"

"Not really." I just shrugged at her words and asked, "What about you?"

"The ability to cut space." She said. 'Something like creating a portal?' I thought, wondering why she would create something so simple. I was about to ask her what she was talking about before noticing that she fell asleep. I didn't bother her, just letting her sleep while I massage her head.

Her expression was constantly changing while she was asleep. 'I wonder what kind of dream she's having?'

After a whole day, Mikasa woke up. She looked at me without saying anything. I was confused before she got up and hugged me. Although it was a hug, it felt like she was holding onto something that'll soon disappear.

"I won't disappear." I said, hugging her back.

"I had a bad dream." She mumbled, I patted her back, trying to calm her down.

"Let's stay here for a while."

And so, another week passed.




"So what did you find out?" Mikasa asked while looking at Pakura. We were currently inside the room that Sēramu provided Pakura while she was in Roran.

"Nothing much. Sēramu was quite wary of me, especially when it came to the Ryūmyaku. But her daughter was a different case." Pakura replied with a smile before she continued, "The Ryūmyaku will open up in three days. It's a sort of ritual that happens every year, that was the main reason Sēramu asked for the Hidden Sand's help."

"I see." I muttered. 'Sēramu was probably worried about the fact that anyone could control the power of Ryūmyaku as long as the seal is opened.' I thought. It was a secret that the Royal family only controlled the seal on the Ryūmyaku rather than its power.

"Oh, right. Her daughter said that the Ryūmyaku won't open if the person opening it is under Genjutsu." Pakura said.

"So that means blackmailing Sēramu with her daughter's life is a valid option, yes?" Mikasa said while looking at Pakura.

Pakura's mouth twitched after hearing what Mikasa said before asking, "Why does it sound like you're speaking from experience?"

Mikasa smiled at her before asking, "When are you guys leaving?"

"We'll be leaving in an hour since Sēramu has already informed the Kazekage about our success." Pakura replied.

She hesitated for a moment before asking, "You guys will be fine, right?"

"We'll be fine. Just take care of yourself." I replied with a smile.

After chatting for an hour, Pakura left. Since we were free until the day Ryūmyaku opens, we decided to prepare everything in advance.

We both started placing the seals created by my clones around Roran. It took us two days to place all twelve seals. Placing the seal was simple enough but creating a Sealing Barrier around it was troublesome. Even the slightest disturbance during the process could ruin the whole plan. Each barrier was strong enough to take more than two hits from a Kage tier without a scratch.

After that, we sneaked inside the Source of Ryūmyaku, setting up the seal I created. There were guards outside the hall, but there was no one inside, making our work easier.

"Don't let anyone disturb me." I said before Mikasa disappeared.

With a thought, a barrier appeared around me, blocking all sounds.

I opened the sealing scroll before placing it on the Source of Ryūmyaku. Not long after, the scroll disappeared as the sealing formula started to appear on the ground.

'This is gonna hurt.' I thought, realising that the Royal family's seal wasn't just being strengthened by the Source of Ryūmyaku, but it was merging with it. The only choice was to forcefully open a path and implant my seal with the Creation of All Things.

After three hours of hard work, I was drenched in sweat. 'Shit. My head hurts.' I thought, rubbing my forehead as I fell to the ground. Using the Creation of All Things to forcefully implant the Seal was definitely a bad idea.

It only took half of my Chakra Reserves while using the Creation of All Things this time because the Source of Ryūmyaku was still sealed, but the control it required was way too much, even for me. If it wasn't for my talent, this would've been impossible to begin with.

'Shadow Clone Jutsu'

I created 12 Shadow Clones before moving to the centre of the sealing formula and placing my hands on the ground.

Not long after, the clones did the same as the sealing formula started glowing purple before disappearing. I felt that all the twelve seals were now connected to this one before removing the sound barrier along with my Shadow Clones.


I turned around, only to find Mikasa eating a bag of potato chips along with a glass of orange juice.

Noticing my gaze, she nodded before raising the glass of orange juice towards me and saying, "Good Work." Before drinking it.

'It'll be considered a prank if I stick some explosive tags on her while she's asleep, right? After all, every couple fights once in a while.' I thought, wondering if 15 explosive tags were enough or not.

We both heard the sound of footsteps before disappearing. Appearing on the roof, I noticed that Sēramu entered the hall along with a little girl with long red hair.

"She should be Sāra. The next Queen of Roran." I muttered.

"If it Roran survives." Mikasa continued.

'Seriously?' I thought while looking at her.

Sēramu and Sāra entered the hall. After watching for a while, we realised that it wasn't actually a ritual but Sāra's training.

"Something feels weird." Sēramu muttered as she opened the Source of Ryūmyaku.

"Let's go." I said before Mikasa disappeared, teleporting behind the mother and daughter duo, she knocked them out.

"We'll read their memories later." Mikasa said before the unconscious duo disappeared.

I turned towards the Source of Ryūmyaku as I felt something familiar within it.

I took an apple out of my inventory before some purple Chakra came out of the Ryūmyaku, covering the apple. I watched as the apple started to age at a rate visible. In three seconds, it crumbled into dust.

"Did you feel it?" I asked Mikasa.

"Nothing much, but it was similar to what I felt back then." Mikasa said.

'So her talent in time is similar to my talent in space?' I thought. Trying to recreate the same type of energy I felt from the Source of Ryūmyaku.

[Ding! Hidden Quest Complete]

[Hidden Quest- Unlock your authorities. (2/2)]

[Rewards- System Update. A meeting with the ROB. The seeds of Outer God]

"What the f-" Before I could finish my words, I felt my consciousness leaving my body. Although I tried my best to resist, it was futile.




I opened my eyes, seeing that Mikasa was waking up next to me, I looked around. It was a room one would expect from a hardcore introvert. Dim lighting, a Television, a lot of games, most of them being 18+ and a gaming console.

I looked around curiously since they were all things I saw in anime or manga. In our time, things like these were more or less extinct because the technology in our time was too advanced. No one bothered to recreate old technology like this. We weren't able to see them even after our reincarnation since technology in the Naruto world isn't at that level yet. Mikasa was in the same situation as me.

We were snapped out of our thoughts when we heard an amused voice behind us say, "It's been a while, Mortals."

Yeah. It was the voice of that NEET ROB.



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