Tatsuya Pov-

We turned around after hearing the NEET ROB's amused voice, but what we saw was surprising, to say the least.

A young man, around the age of sixteen, was sitting cross-legged on a chair, looking at us while drinking canned beer. He had black hair and red eyes, but his face was pretty average. He was wearing an Ahegao hoodie along with white shorts. 'The textbook definition of a weeb.' I thought.

"What's with the funny getup?" I asked while looking at the textbook definition of a weeb.

"Pffffft." He choked on his beer after hearing my question. I created a wall of glass using 'Creation of All Things' in front of me and Mikasa to protect us from the weird ROB juices flying toward us.

"You guys can see me? Like, the real me?" The ROB asked in disbelief. The zero respect we had for the guy who reincarnated us was getting even worst.

"If you are talking about the embodiment of disappointment, then yes." Mikasa replied while shaking her head.

"Oh, yeah. You guys unlocked your authorities, no wonder you can see me." The ROB said, scratching the back of his head.

"So what's up with the 'authorities' stuff?" Mikasa asked.

"It'll take a while so have a seat." The ROB said as two chairs appeared in front of him. We didn't think much before taking a seat, there was a weird sense of familiarity coming from this guy.

After taking a seat, the ROB looked at us with a smile before saying, "So let me reintroduce myself. I am the one with authority over 'Chaos'- The Outer God of Chaos. It's a pleasure to meet you. As for my name, just call me like you used to."

"So, you're a Chunibyo?" I asked while Mikasa nodded. The guy in front of us was a disgrace to the ROB faction.

"I am being serious, you bastards. At least be grateful for all the things I've done for you." The ROB replied while glaring at us. 'Yeah, even if you could obliterate us from existence, someone wearing an Ahegao hoodie isn't scary.' I thought.

"What exactly have you done for us? As far as reincarnating us goes, you must have your motives, right?" I asked.

"Hey. Even if that's true, I protected you from dying more than once in that world." The ROB said.

"Huh? When?" Mikasa asked, surprised.

"Do you think that there are no consequences for your actions just because you know how the plot works?" The ROB said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Then how did you save us?" I asked while looking at the ROB.

"You were almost selected as a vessel for Isshiki to plant his 'Kama Seal' on. Do you think you could've resisted that guy even with the Creation of All Things?" He replied while looking at me.

'Holy Shit. That would've been disastrous.' I screamed internally while thanking the Plot Armour sitting in front of me.

The ROB sighed before saying, "Let's get down to business. You must have an idea of what's going on by now right?"

"His authority is 'Time' while my authority is 'Space'. They're something similar to your authority over 'Chaos'. As for the familiar feeling coming from you, it should be related to this 'authority'." Mikasa said.

"Yeah. Just in case, that feeling of familiarity isn't one-sided. If you have any questions, ask them before I start explaining things to you." The ROB said with a smile.

"Then what about this 'authority' we have? As far as I know, there are a lot of people who can control Space and Time." Mikasa asked.

"In simple terms, you guys are unmatched when it comes to controlling Space and Time respectively, potentially since you both are quite weak right now. Although your powers can be stopped by those who are stronger than you, the reverse can also happen. For example-" The ROB smiled at us before he snapped his fingers. I felt something weird for a moment but that feeling disappeared almost instantly.

"Huh? You just stopped time?" I asked after noticing that Mikasa was frozen in place without any movement.

"Yeah. Even though I stopped time, you're still moving. That's the power of your authority. No power related to time can harm you, it doesn't matter how strong it is. Of course, your authority isn't invincible. If you stop time as you are right now, it won't affect me in the slightest. Forget about me, anyone who can use time better than you will be able to resist with some difficulty. That's where the difference in strength between us comes into play. The same goes for her authority over space." The ROB answered. I noticed that Mikasa was able to move again before she nodded.

"I guess Sakura's authority was uselessness." Mikasa muttered. Even the ROB laughed at her comment.

"How can we improve our 'authorities'?" I asked.

"There are two ways. One- Devour other authorities. Two- Devour worlds." The ROB replied with a mischievous smile.

"Then why didn't you devour our authorities?" Mikasa asked. Indeed, devouring our authorities should've been easy for him.

His smile widened after hearing her question before he said, "My authority is 'Chaos' that existed even before the creation of anything, that includes both 'Space' and 'Time'. It's arguably the strongest authority out there. As for why I didn't devour your authorities, it's because your authorities are too weak and your case is quite special. Before you, there was only one person who was born as a mortal with an authority of his own."

"And that was you?" I asked.

"Yeah. You two can be considered to be the closest I have to a family, I know that sounds cringe but that's true. God, I want to puke. And that's the reason why we are here, discussing how to mess with the multiverse." He said with an evil smile.

"We're discussing what exactly?" Both me and Mikasa said at the same time. It's been a while since we were shocked by something that wasn't related to Doomsday. 'This guy has some personality problems.' I mentally noted while looking at the ROB.

"I'll keep it simple. Outer Gods like me can only increase their authority by devouring worlds because devouring another Outer is very difficult. Not to mention the amount of damage a fight between Outers would cause." The ROB smiled before continuing, "But devouring worlds isn't simple either because Outers can't attack the world directly."


"You'll know when the time comes. Because of that reason, the Outers started messing with the people living in those worlds, giving them powers that they shouldn't possess."

"Like us?" I said. If that was the case, we were definitely in big trouble.

"Not exactly. You see, the world you're currently in is under my full control. No other Outer or World can mess with it. They don't know what's happening inside." He replied.

"Then what do you want from us?" Mikasa asked.

"Even if your authorities are too weak for me to devour, there are others who'd love to devour them. The only reason you survived in your past life was that you never unlocked your authority." And with that, any thoughts we had about leaving this mess were gone.

"As for what I want, it's pretty simple. The Worlds are collecting people from all over the multiverse to form a group of 'protectors'. They'll be tasked with dealing with those pests that are siding with the Outer Gods." He finally answered the question.

"A Dimensional Chat Group? Do you want us to fight against them?" I asked.

"Of course not. I want you to infiltrate that group. Don't worry about getting in since I'll be taking care of that. I've also prepared a nice surprise for you." The ROB answered with a grin.

"And do what exactly?" I asked, ignoring the surprise he was talking about.

"Just go with the flow. If there's work for you, I'll let you know. Until then, you can travel through different worlds and do whatever you want. Just remember that I won't be able to protect you if something happens." He said.

'Wait. If we can travel to different worlds then-' Before I could finish my thought, the ROB interrupted me.

"Hold your horses, you greedy bastards. You can't devour worlds with your current strength. You'll end up dead in no time. And you can't travel to other worlds as you're now."

"Tch. He saw through us." Mikasa said while clicking her tongue.

"But still, we can at least do 'that'. It's not that bad." I said, comforting Mikasa. She nodded after hearing me, wiping the non-existent tears off her eyes.

"What are you guys talking about?" The ROB asked, confused.

"Our 'Things we would do if we ended up in an anime multiverse' list which we created a moment ago." Mikasa said while sobbing. 'Okay, that's overdramatic.' I thought.

"And what's on this list?" The ROB asked.

"The first is donating green hats to those unworthy harem protagonists. Of course, we'll only go after top tier waifus. Since you gave us such a chance, we'll give you a special privilege. Tell us, ROB." Mikasa said with a smile as ROB's face began to change. He was serious now.

"Which protagonist would to like us to cuck?"

The ROB snapped his finger before a long list appeared in his hands as he said, "I underestimated you guys, you are indeed the chosen ones. I'll try to add another surprise for you guys." His tone was oozing with respect.

'Yeah, he definitely hates those harem protagonists.' I thought, looking at the list.

After an hour of discussing this matter, we moved on to the less important stuff.




"Are we too weak to travel through worlds?" I asked.

"No. Your authority isn't hidden right now. If you take a single step out of my domain, that is the Naruto world, you'll be targeted by both the Worlds and Outers."

"That's scary." I said.

"Then how did you survive?" Mikasa asked while looking at the ROB.

"Luck." The ROB shrugged before saying, "Oh. Others can gain a certain amount of authority throughout their lives. In this case, unlike us, they're nurtured by their World."

"Protagonists?" I asked.

"More or less. Or an important character in the plot."

"One more question. Can't you strengthen our authorities?" Mikasa asked.

The ROB shook his head before answering, "That's something I can't do. While 'Chaos' is arguably the strongest authority, 'Time' and 'Space' aren't weak. There are barely any authorities that can rival those two. Strengthening something like that is practically impossible. The best you can do right now is increase them on your own until you're strong enough to devour worlds."

"How many worlds did you devour?" I asked.

"Who knows. Lost count after thirty." He replied before another can of beer appeared in front of him.

"Anyway, that's your overall situation. The Chat Group will start in some five or six years. Until then, you can't increase your strength or train in anything." The ROB said before gulping down his beer.

"Why?" Both of us asked at the same time. In this kind of situation, wouldn't it be better for us to increase our strength as much as possible?

"I'll be 'upgrading' your mortal bodies so that they can hide your authorities outside of my domain. Normally, something like this would take at least 15 years, but since we are short on time, there will be some complications. If your authorities were weaker, that would've been a lot easier and less time-consuming. On that note, you will be nerfed while travelling through the worlds to keep the balance in place. But suppressing your authority is impossible, so you don't have to worry about that. Just use them carefully. " The ROB answered in a tired tone.

{A/N- Finally a time skip and a lot of lemons after that.}

"Why didn't you do it after reincarnating us?" Mikasa asked.

"I can only do that after you've unlocked your authorities." The ROB answered.

"At least wait until we're done with Roran." I said.

"That's fine by me, just make it quick. Oh, right. That thing you're messing with is a fragment of that World's Source. So don't do something you're not supposed to." He said. 'No wonder it grants the user infinite chakra.' I thought.

"Since we're done here, I'll be sending you guys back since I have some actual work to do." The ROB said.

"Yeah. Like playing 'Unholy Relationship With My Tsundere Sister' or 'My Yandere Step-Mother And Her Daughter'. I need a copy of the former." I said while looking at the bunch of games lying around. The ROB's mouth twitched after hearing me before he waved his hand.

"Don't forget about the list." He said before the view in front of our eyes changed. We were back in Roran.

"At least let me borrow it for a while." I grumbled.

"I forgot to ask that guy which side we are on. The Outers or the Worlds?" Mikasa said.

"He's probably playing with both sides. There's nothing we can do about it right now." I said what I thought was the most plausible explanation.

"Yeah. Anyway, let's get to work." Mikasa said while looking at the Source of the Ryūmyaku.



A/N- There will be a time skip after a few chapters so that they're both 'legal'. This chapter was written to set the plot up for the future so don't hate it too much. ;_;

An auxiliary chapter for power scaling will be uploaded soon.

Random Numbers Recommendation- 398964