
3rd Person Pov-

"Everyone inside of Roran disappeared?" The Kazekage muttered in pure disbelief. 'A million people disappeared in thin air? How is something like that even possible?' He thought, trying his best to avoid reality. But alas, the now-empty country of Roran in front of his eyes didn't help much.

The Kazekage left the Village Hidden in the Sand after getting an emergency request from the Sand Daimyo. He was sceptical about the request since it's practically impossible for a million people to just disappear like that. He even doubted that it was the Daimyo plotting against the Sand. But when he reached the country of Roran, his whole world crumbled.

"Are you sure there wasn't anything weird going on during your stay in this country?" The Kazekage asked, turning towards Pakura.

"N-No, everything was alright." Pakura answered in a shaky voice.

At first, she thought that the destruction Mikasa and Tatsuya talked about was related to physical damage. She never thought that it would be this horrifying. The whole country was fine, there was no damage done, even the money and food supplies were in place. 'Honestly, I am kinda scared of them.' Pakura thought, trying to calm down.




{Pakura-san, i-is that really true?} Hikari asked. Pakura suddenly contacted her through the communication seal, explaining the unbelievable thing that happened within the country of Roran.

{It is.} Pakura's voice rang inside Hikari's head.

{Thank you for informing me, Pakura-san.} Hikari ended the link after saying that.

After that, she fell onto the bed behind her, her body going limp.

'They seriously killed a million people.' Hikari thought, looking at her left hand. It was the same hand she place the slave seal on. Although there was no mark on like like Mikasa's or Tatsuya's hand, Hikari still felt a fain connection to her owners. She didn't notice that her crotch was already getting wet.

'They'll probably kill me too once they're done with me. After all, that's the kind of people they are.' Hikari thought as a regretful smile appeared on her face. In all those years, she really took a big liking to both Tatsuya and Mikasa, even Pakura. Not to mention every time they 'trained' her.

Thinking of her training, Hikari shivered before she got up. Coupled with the horror she experienced after hearing what her Master and Mistress did to Roran, she was now completely wet.

'I am really hopeless.' Hikari thought, looking at her wet pyjamas before her right hand made its way toward her wet panties along with her left hand grabbing her left boob as she thought about the time when her Master trained her.

"Ah~, Mistress. Not there."

"Aaaah~ Master. Harder, please. More~"

It's a pity Tatsuya and Mikasa weren't here to 'help' their servant in her difficult times.

{A/N- They don't deserve Hikari. ANGRY VIRGIN NOISES*}




Similar scenes were happening all around the world. Similar to the Kazekage of course, not Hikari for obvious reasons.

People were shocked, horrified and scared beyond belief. In this kind of situation, there wasn't anything they could do. They can't find a legit reason for this calamity, nor can they blame this on someone. In the end, this incident was given the name of 'God's Wrath'. The people began to say that the county of Roran angered the Gods or something. After all, if there is nothing humans could do in a situation, they turn toward God, hoping for an answer.

While the whole world was in turmoil, Mikasa and Tatsuya were busy throwing their new abilities here and there. To them, it wasn't that much of a big deal. They knew that in the future, they'll be 'playing' on a much larger scale.

[Ding! 'The NEET ROB' has joined the Chat Room]

[The NEET ROB- Hey. I am about to start 'upgrading' your mortal bodies now, so don't play around too much. And don't use your Authorities during the upgrade.]

Looking at the notification in front of them, the Black Kunai in Tatsuya's hand disappeared. Mikasa also stopped her right hand, which was in a chopping motion.

[Tatsuya- Hey, can you upgrade our brains to their former processing power?]

[The NEET ROB- Why? As far as I can remember, you stopped more than 97% of your brain from working because your body wasn't able to keep up with the flow of information.]

[Tatsuya- Don't say that. It brings back painful memories.]

'What's up with that request?' Mikasa's mouth twitched after hearing Tatsuya's request, remembering the hellish pain he went through to forcibly 'shut down' most of his brain, bringing it down to a normal Esper's level. Even if the EA's creation project gave him power, it wasn't without a price. Unlike normal espers, whose bodies were accustomed to bearing the weight of their powers, Tatsuya's wasn't. That was the reason he wasn't able to exert his full power for most of his life.

[The NEET ROB- Anyway, I am not doing something so troublesome. I've removed the fragment of that World's Source from the country you destroyed, so you won't be able to use that anymore.]

[Mikasa- Why?]

[The NEET ROB- I'll add a basic rundown about everything important to your system during the update, just read it after some years. Later.]

[The NEET ROB has left the Chat Room]

[Ding! The system update will commence in a few minutes]

[Ding! The 'Seeds of Outer Gods' shall be planted within the Host's Body to contain their Authorities]

[Until the 'Seeds of Outer Gods' are planted, please refrain from training or using your Authorities.]

After reading the notification in front of them, Tatsuya and Mikasa decided to call it a day.

'It's boring all of a sudden.' Tatsuya thought as he laid back on the bed, looking at the ceiling before saying, "Hey."

"What's up?" Mikasa asked, petting Ellie. It only took her a few minutes to take a liking to the cat.

"I was wondering if Sealing the Planet's rotating with Fuinjutsu is possible or not." Tatsuya said, somewhat curious to figure that theory out.

"It'll probably destroy the whole world." Mikasa replied without thinking about it much. Her attention was on Ellie.

With the thoughts of destroying the world on their minds, One and a half years passed.


It's the eighth month of the year 53. The Second Shinobi war, which started a little over a year ago was in its initial stages. The Village Hidden by Rain was sacrificed as the main battlefield along with some neighbouring countries that were unable to resist the might of those shinobi.

The main conflicts were between the Hidden Leaf, led by the Third Hokage- Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hidden Sand, led by the Third Kazekage- Yato, the Hidden Rain, led by Hanzō of the Salamander, and the Hidden Rock, led by the Third Tsuchikage- Onoki.

At this point, for some reason, everyone seems to have forgotten about the tragedy that took place inside the Country of Roran. This was quite weird for Tatsuya and Mikasa since they expected a bigger reaction. For example, the Sand Village gaining too many resources from the county of Roran, the Second Shinobi war postponing, and them gaining Isshiki's attention. But there were none. There was no change in the Canon Plotline.

They tried contacting the NEET ROB but the guy ignored their request, saying that the game he was playing is about to reach its conclusion. All he said was that the people related to them will have their fate altered. The whole world will remain the same. Without much thought, they concluded that it was the World fixing itself from the mess they created.

Feeling competitive, they decided to mess the world so much that it won't be able to recover. Of course, they can't do it right now since they're quite weak.

Currently, Mikasa and Tatsuya are walking through the Village Hidden by Rain, disguised as civilians. The current situation in this place is bad, very bad.

People were starving, laying on the ground at the corner of the streets, begging for food. Most of the people here were malnourished, indicating that they haven't had a proper meal for months. Children were crying, asking their parents for food. Some people even started looting others for food. Because of the current situation, that was the only thing they could do.

Mikasa and Tatsuya looked around, curious. It was their first time seeing famine with their own eyes. Although they've starved a lot in their past life, that was because of their problems. Who'd be stupid enough to feed two international terrorists who were on the run? There was no lack of food within Area Seven. Hell, if someone lacked the money to buy food, they could just ask for food and shelter at EA. Even if it was just to cover their heinous acts, the 'Order' of Area Seven did take good care of the genuine public.

In the Hidden Rain, parents getting murdered right in front of their kids was a common occurrence here.

After walking through many shady and dark alleys, they finally found what they were looking for. But after seeing the situation, their expressions darkened.

A young girl with shoulder-length blue hair was crying while looking at the scene in front of her. In front of her, three men were forcing down a woman who looked around 19, trying to gang **** her along with her little sister. The woman's waist-length blue hair was covered in mud as she struggled to get up. Her lavender eyes turned towards the crying girl before she shouted, "RUN, KONAN."

"Get that brat, they'll both sell for high prices even if we use them for a while." One of the men said before a bald man started making his way toward the crying girl, two guys were pinning the woman down.

Looking at the man going towards Konan, the woman grabbed a steel pipe that was near her before throwing it in the man's direction, hitting his head, and making him fall to his knees. Her sole focus was on buying time for Konan to escape.

"You damn bitch." The man on top of the woman shouted before he started punching her face again and again until her face was a bloody mess. Even tho she wasn't able to open her eyes properly, she still looked in the direction where Konan was.

While this was going on, Tatsuya and Mikasa were looking at the scene from above.

'In the end, this is all humanity accounts to, huh.' Tatsuya thought. Well, he wasn't in any position to criticize anyone. He has probably killed more people than all three of them have met in their entire lives. As Tatsuya was about to go and help Konan and her relative, Mikasa grabbed his shoulder.

'She's angry? I guess it's natural for her to be angry.' He thought, looking at Mikasa's expression. It was a rare sight for Mikasa to actually be angry at something.

"Here, hold Ellie for a while." Mikasa said before passing Ellie over to Tatsuya. He obliged like one should when their girlfriend is angry. He knew better than stepping on a walking and breathing nuke. After that, Mikasa jumped from the rooftop.


With a loud sound, Mikasa landed on the bald man's head, crushing it to bits. 'Now my shoes are dirty with filth and brains. Just great.' Mikasa cursed inside her head, wanting to revive the bald man and kill him all over again.

At this moment, both the men and woman stopped before looking at the scene. Even Konan stopped crying as she looked at the girl in front of her. Tatsuya also landed next to her while holding Ellie in his hands, glancing toward Konan for a moment before turning away.

Mikasa looked at the two men who were above the woman before she released a bit of killing intent, making everyone freeze up. For civilians, even this little amount of killing intent was the same as paralyzing them. She walked toward them before grabbing both of their throats with a smile on her face.

"You guys were having fun, weren't you? Now it's my turn to have some fun." She said as her smile disappeared. After running her shoes, she wasn't in any mood to physically torture these two. She activated her Mangekyō Sharingan.


She activated her ability before letting go of the two. Both of them started rolling on the ground while shouting, and crying in agony. Due to her ability, they'll see their loved ones dying countless times until they mentally break. Each death will be more painful than the last, breaking the target apart bit by bit.

'His brain stopped working after seeing his family getting killed thirty times? That's quite weak. He's a civilian so what can I expect.' Mikasa thought, looking at the guy who wasn't moving anymore before she killed the other guy using a kunai.

While Mikasa was fixing her mood, Tatsuya walked over to the woman laying on the ground. She tried to get up and step back but wasn't able to because of her injuries. He just smiled at her before placing his right arm on her forehead.

'Mystical Palm Technique'

Green Chakra started coming out of his hand before it started healing the injuries that the woman had. In a few minutes, the injuries on her body were gone. She tried to get up but wasn't able to, even if Tatsuya healed her physical injuries, the lack of energy she had wasn't something he could cure in a few minutes.

"You should rest for a while. Or she might lose her sister." He said, pointing towards the still dazed Konan.

Hearing him, the woman's eyes widened in surprise before she lowered her head.

"What happened?" Tatsuya asked, he was sure that the woman was fine. By now, Mikasa was also standing next to him, looking at the woman.

"A-Actually, I am her mother." The woman said with an awkward smile.

"Huh?" Both Tatsuya and Mikasa had the same reaction.

"How old are you?" Mikasa asked.

"22." The woman replied. 'She barely looks 19.' Both of them screamed internally after hearing the woman's answer.

Konan and her mother hugged each other for a while before looking at Mikasa and Tatsuya with grateful eyes.

"Thank you for saving our lives." The woman said while bowing. She also made Konan bow using her right hand.

"Don't worry about it. Say, do you guys wanna come with us?" Mikasa asked with a smile.

"But, we don't know you and you guys just saved us." The woman said, feeling guilty that she couldn't even repay the ones who saved her along with her daughter.

"Then, what's your name?" Tatsuya asked.

"I am Kaori and she's my daughter, Konan." Kaori introduced themselves while the little Konan timidly nodded, standing behind her mother. She looked at Mikasa with admiration in her eyes, wondering if she could become a strong girl like her.

"I see. Well then, let's go." Mikasa said with a smile as she grabbed both Kaori and Konan before teleporting.

"This is kidnapping." Tatsuya sighed before he teleported as well, appearing inside Hikari's house. Inside the house, they were greeted by Sēramu and Sāra sitting on the couch.

'Oh, yeah. That also happened.' Tatsuya thought while looking at Sēramu and Sāra before turning towards Kaori and Konan.



A/N- I am very busy right now, so writing a chapter is kinda impossible. Not to mention my exams are coming up in a month. But I'll try to upload a chapter every two or three days. Maybe even faster from now on.

And I did something while I was free. It's another fanfic, maybe. Or maybe a sequel? Idk.



[Thanks to a certain NEET ROB reincarnating two fuckers, the multiverse is now a mess. Those two fuckers, along with that NEET ROB, destroyed countless worlds, creating timelines that should be impossible even within the infinite possibilities. If that wasn't enough, they merged different worlds, forcing them to coexist while breaking apart bit by bit. The multiverse is barely hanging by a thread. Please, help the multiverse survive.]


"Someone did that?"

"But still, how bad could it be? Accept."

[Thank you for your help. Please, stay safe.]

"Huh? Kiba is Hokage?"

"Kazuma is the Ultimate Demon God?"

"Dio is ruling the heavens?"

"Anos Voldigoad is the Prince of All Saiyans?"

"One Piece is the live-action of Boku No Pico in 8k?"

"Zoro is a multi-dimensional tourist guide?"

"After Boruto's birth, Naruto went to buy milk and never returned?"

"Rimuru is a Milf?"

"Light Yagami is the God of Death?"

"Anti-Spiral is a high school student?"

"Saitama started cultivation and learned martial arts, becoming a monk?"

"Issei Hyoudou is a eunuch? No, wait. That's good. I approve."




"You've got to be kidding me. Who were those two fuckers? How am I supposed to help the multiverse? The multiverse isn't a mess, it's fucked."

[First, please fix the worlds that don't have superpowers. That'll help the multiverse by healing a part of it. After that, you can move on to the worlds that have superpowers.]

"I see, then what should I do?"

[Build a harem.]



Random Numbers Recommendation- 347570