
Yue's Pov-

It's dark.

I don't know how long it has been since I've been sealed here, all alone, unable to live or die of my own accord. Probably a decade? A century? Maybe a millennium? I have no idea at this point.

I am an 'Atavist' or someone who can directly manipulate mana without any incantation or magic circles. We were called the 'Descendents of Gods'. Kind of weird for me to sealed here, isn't it?

The great Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl, the queen of vampires, someone who could wipe out armies alone is now in such a pitiful state. I guess even the strongest of people falter in front of betrayal?

Was it my fault that my people betrayed me? Saying that I wasn't needed? That I was dangerous? At first, I wasn't able to believe that my uncle betrayed me. He wasn't the type of person who'd do something like that for power, not to mention seal away his niece. But time made me accept the truth and get over it. I doubt he's even alive after such a long time.

I never asked them to worship me, all I did was for the sake of my race, and all I ever wanted was for them to live happily. And what did I get for my hard work? I got imprisoned in the pit of this hell for all eternity with no control over my life and death.

I wasn't able to talk to anyone, use my mana or see anything. If it wasn't for my mental fortitude as the queen of vampires I had built up from the age of seventeen, I would've gone insane by now.

At this point, I have already decided to offer up my everything to the one who saves me. It doesn't matter who that person is, or what he or she wishes to do. Doesn't matter if they kill innocents, destroy cities for fun, or save people while talking crap about justice. I'll do anything to leave this place. Those were my true thoughts.

But deep down, I was just scared that the one who saves me will abandon me as well. Being abandoned hurts a lot.

'Who am I even kidding? There's no way someone will make it to the bottom of the Great Orcus Labyrint.'

It was as if my request was heard by the Gods, after who knows how many years, I saw something that was taken away from me when I was sealed by my uncle. It was light that came from the narrow opening on the door which widened every second.

I was in disbelief before the door fully opened, revealing a blurry shadow. I wasn't able to see clearly because the only thing my eyes saw for several centuries was darkness.

But I was afraid. Afraid that it was all a dream, and that I'll wake up again, all alone.

After gathering my courage, I finally decided to say something. "Is... anybody there?"

It's been a long time since I've heard my childish voice. Because my 'Automatic Regeneration' stopped my ageing process.

"Why are you here?" I heard a young man's voice as the dark silhouette started getting closer to me.

"Please... Let me out of here." I was so desperate that I wasn't even able to answer his question, directly asking- no, begging him to get me out of here. That was how far gone I was at this moment.

"Not happening." The opposing party replied without any hesitation.

"Please, I'll do anything so-" I wasn't lying. I was prepared to do anything but my words were cut off.

"You ignored my question. And for someone to be sealed in the pit of this labyrinth, you must be someone who destroys cities for shits and giggles." The other party replied. There was a bit of nostalgia in his voice, which I wasn't able to notice due to my panicked state.

"No. You're wrong. I am not... I" Before I could say anything, I saw the person leaving before I finally shouted in desperation. "I WAS BETRAYED."

The man stopped before looking back at me and asking, "Explain."

I told him everything that happened to me without hiding anything, be it my abilities to control mana or my Automatic Regeneration. I was too desperate to hide things right now.

After telling him everything, he was silent.

'Maybe I was hoping for too much?' I thought. Accepting my fate as someone who'll never have anyone to be by her side.

"Fine, I'll help you. But what is in it for me?" I heard his voice before he raised his hand and a fireball appeared on it.

'He's not using magic, so how?' I wasn't able to feel any mana being used by that person. Hell, he had no mana in the first place, but I could tell, he's strong. Even with my mana being sealed, I was able to sense mana from the atmosphere.

I looked at his face with a pleading gaze. He had blue eyes and black hair. While not unbelievably handsome, he was good-looking. Not to mention his heart-warming smile.

"I'll do anything, no matter what it is. I am strong, so I'll be able to help you. Please... Help me." I wasn't able to make any other offers. In the end, it was nothing but an honest request.

"Is that so." He said with a pondering expression before he smiled. "Then I'll help you."

I wasn't able to reply as he appeared in front of me in a moment. Again, I wasn't able to feel any mana being used to enhance his speed before he directly punched the Sealstone I was trapped in.


The Sealstone directly shattered into millions of small pieces before I fell to the ground, my face showed nothing but happiness and disbelief.

I looked at the person who saved me as my expression changed to that of horror. His right arm was gone, there was nothing left.

'He sacrificed his right arm to save me.' I thought as tears started falling from my eyes. I was happy, worried and sad. I couldn't do anything because of my low mana reserves. Even if I had a lot of mana, regenerating an arm isn't something that magic can do. The only one who can is probably me, and that's not something that I can use on others.

My cries were cut short by a voice filled with amusement. "Hey. I am not dead, just in case you forgot."

"But... Your arm."

He chuckled a little before saying with a smile. "Watch this." As he said that, black lines started appearing on his face and left hand before something unbelievable happened.

His right arm started regeneration at a very high speed. Within a minute, it was back at the way it was before. My mouth was left open as I looked at the scene with a shocked expression before realising something. 'Isn't he just like me?'

He was looking at his now regenerated right arm with a smile as the black lines on his body disappeared. I didn't know what I was doing before I grabbed his right arm, finally feeling the warmth I'd missed for several centuries.

"Th-Thank you."

"What are you doing?"

"It's warm." I muttered, slightly tightening my grip around his hand. "What's your name?"

"Tatsuya. Shiba Tatsuya. And you are?"

"I... Don't have a name. Tatsuya, I want you to give me a name. I don't want my old name. So please, give me a name."

He pondered for a while before saying. "How about Yue?"

"Yue?" I asked, not knowing what it meant.

"It means 'The Moon' from my world. I chose it because your golden hair shines like the moon. How is it?"

"Mmm." I thought for a second before smiling. "Yue. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it." He said with a smile while looking at me intently from head to toe.

'What's he doing?' I thought, tilting my head.

"I don't mind if you have weird kinks but if you plan on running around butt naked then I will have to stop you." He said with a smile as I looked down at my own body.

My face turned bright red as I tried to hide my private parts with my hands while looking at the floor.

"Pervert." I muttered as I noticed that Tatsuya was looking at me with a smile as if enjoying my miserable state.

"Here." He said before another unbelievable thing happened. Clothes started to appear on my body out of nowhere. And again, it wasn't magic. After a few seconds, I was fully dressed.

"How?" I muttered, looking at my clothes. I was wearing a frilly white dress shirt and a black mini skirt with frills along with a white coat with a blue lining as well as a short pair of boots and knee-high socks. Some parts of my thighs were visible between the knee-high socks and the mini skirt.

"Magic." He said with a smile.

"That wasn't magic." I retorted. I thought that he was making fun of me.

"Oh, right. This world has actual magic." He said, scratching the back of his head. I noticed something that I failed to notice previously.

"Tatsuya, are you from a different world?" I knew that it sounded ridiculous but for some reason, that was the only logical reason I could come up with. And he just said that. Although the theory of different worlds existing was more or less possible, there were no cases of people travelling through them. Well, not any I was aware of, to say the least.

"Yeah." He replied without any hesitation. "I'll tell you something interesting if you promise me one thing."

"I've already offered myself up to you. So there's nothing I won't do if it's for you." I said, completely serious.

He was slightly surprised by my proclamation before he smiled and patted my head, making me blush a little. But it was a nice feeling as a smile appeared on my face. But his expression soon changed as he frowned.

I wasn't able to ask anything as he suddenly grabbed me by my waist, running towards the door.


It was a huge monster attacking us with its large hands. Tatsuya was continuously running away from it, as if he didn't have the strength to fight back anymore. The monster was clearly targeting me, I could tell that he knew as well. But why?

"Shit. I don't have much chakra." He cursed before we came to a dead end. I didn't know what this 'chakra' was but considering his words, it was likely his source of power.

"Tatsuya, why?" I asked, my voice indicating that I was about to cry.

"Why what? You belong to me now. There's no way I am abandoning you." He said with a smile.

And with that, something within me cracked. The little hesitation I had was gone.

'Yeah. He's right. I belong to him, now and forever.' I thought before hugging him.

"Tatsuya. Trust me." I said before jumping and biting near his collar bone and drinking his blood.

"Right. You were a vampire." He muttered.

After a few seconds, I let go of his collar bone while licking my lips. "I will get addicted to this taste." I said before turning towards the monster while raising my hand and shouting, "AZURE SKY."

A large ball made out of blue flames formed above the monster before I moved my hand downwards, making the ball fall on the monster as an explosion rang out.

I felt like passing out before my body started falling. I was grabbed by Tatsuya as he commented, "You killed that thing alone, nice work." He was looking at me with a smile.

"Huh? I killed that?" The spell I used should at best injure that thing to a certain extent, but it wasn't strong enough to kill it, so how?

'His blood.' I finally realised what had happened. It was because of his blood.

But there was another feeling. The feeling of belonging. I felt a strange yet familiar connection with Tatsuya, as if I belonged to him, literally. It was as if he had left a mark deep within my soul. It wasn't my imagination as he was looking at me with a shocked gaze as well, indicating that he had no idea about what was going on.




The time when this chapter took place was before she was invited to the Dimensional Chat Group. As for how, it'll be explained in the next chapter.

She's the main heroine of Arifureta- The Immortal Loli Vampire Yue. The one called the 'Immortal Loli' in the chat group.

Random Numbers Recommendation- 310842

Author Spit Facts- The anime industry right now is kinda grey(excluding things op and fate). It doesn't feel right tbh.