The Members

Luminous Pov-

My name is Luminous.

Luminous Valentine.

Ruler of the old world- The True Ancestor of all Vampires.

I was the one at the top of the food chain, The Queen of Nightmares.

I opened the large door in front of me before entering the room. The room was filled with ice pillars everywhere, at the centre of the room laid a coffin made out of glass, in which rested a girl with long black hair, tied in twin tails. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully.

Removing my clothes, I walked toward the coffin before looking at her face closely. "Ahh, as beautiful as ever, aren't you? Chloe." Before lying next to the coffin, hugging it slightly.

The Holy Ark, a power sacred to me, the vampire demon lord, as it is poisonous. And yet, every scald on my skin brought great joy to me just from touching the coffin. Because the girl inside the coffin was very precious to me.

"Luminous-sama." I heard my subordinate's voice, snapping me out of my inner monologue.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Since I've already instructed everyone not to bother me while I am here, the news must be something important. But it was still annoying.

"What is it, Louis." I said, getting up and taking a seat next to the coffin. My left leg resting above my right. Looking at Louis, I saw him bowing with his right hand on his chest, looking at the floor.

"My deepest apologies. There is something I wish for you to hear." It's been centuries since I last saw Louis hesitate while reporting something to me, so it should be significant news.

"Tell me what it is." I said again. Unlike other demon lords, I wasn't that cold towards my main subordinates. Well, everyone was fine except for that clown of a demon lord, Clayman.

"The Storm Dragon Veldora has disappeared. Most are assuming that he died within the seal placed on him by the hero." Louis said something that made me widen my eyes in surprise.

'That fucking lizard disappeared? It's just as Chloe told me would happen.' I thought. Chloe, before disappearing, told me bits of the future that were bound to happen. At first, I was sceptical. Considering her personality, shouldn't she try and avoid all those calamities, saving millions of lives? But in the end, I decided to trust Chloe, along with Hinata who was inside her. I was patiently waiting for that turning point to occur for who knows how many centuries.

"I see. Is there any other news from the Great Jura Forest?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"There is, but I doubt it's anything valuable, Luminous-sama."

"It is I who decide whether the news is important or not, Louis." I said, narrowing my eyes. Even if I was gentle with them, it doesn't mean that they're allowed to forget who the boss is. There is a difference between being gentle with your subordinates and being frank with them.

"My deepest apologies, Luminous-sama." Louis took a deep breath before he continued. "A slime called 'Rimuru' appeared not long after Veldora's disappearance, unlike other slimes, it is quite strong, possibly Rank A. As of right now, it helped a bunch of goblins, saving them from some wolves."

'So that slime is finally here, huh?' Although Rank A was nothing special for us, a slime becoming Rank A was unheard of. Hell, no slime was even sentient before this point.

"Very well. Keep an eye on the Great Jura Forest, but no matter what happens, don't interfere." After all, Chloe told me to not interfere with that slime of hers. If Chloe had said to, I could've taken that slime into my protection, but since she didn't. I sighed internally.

"Very well, Luminous-sama."

"Oh, by the way, what's Roy and Hinata up to?"

"My brother is still posing as the Demon Lord Valentine while doing the work he is supposed to do. As for Hinata, she is busy with managing the Holy Knights as the Commander of the Holy Knight Order."

"That's good. You can leave now."

"Yes, Luminous-sama." After saying that, Louis left.

After a while, I got up from my seat before getting dressed in my favourite black dress. As I was about to leave, something unbelievable happened.

[Would you, Luminous Valentine, like to join the Dimensional Chat Group? Get a chance to change the miserable life of your saviour, Chloe Aubert? Get a chance to meet some of the most interesting people from all over the multiverse, a place that no one from your universe ever reached, except for the creator of everything, Veldanava. Knowing the future that Chloe failed to tell you about? Be powerful enough to protect your people from threats? Get everything you could ever imagine at the Dimensional Chat Group.]


"What the actual fuck?" I almost shouted at the sudden words that appeared in front of my eyes. I tried touching it but my hands went through, indicating that it was either a projection or something within my mind.

I called Louis again to check whether or not could he see this weird thing in front of me to which he replied, "Luminous-sama, there is nothing I can see in front of you."

"I see, you may leave." I was slightly embarrassed at the weird look Louis gave me, but he knew better than to question me so he left.

I was sure that the thing in front of me wasn't magic. Even Guy can't do something like this. I thought about it for a while before doing the most reasonable thing.


There is no way I would trust a shady message like this over my saviour, Chloe. As for power, I am not some power-hungry bitch, so I'll pass on that. The only thing that was worthy of my attention was the mention of that name, Veldanava. He was the one who created my 'father', but I didn't think too much about it, since I killed him with my very own hands. Veldanava was the creator of everything, but his name was not enough for me to get into something like this.

And most of all, it looked like someone was trying to bait me into accepting that offer. There's no way I would fall for such obvious tricks.

The screen in front of me changed before I read what was written on it.

[Would you like to see that fucking evil lizard(Veldora) suffer?]


"ACCEPT." I shouted at the top of my lungs, secretly glad that there was a barrier blocking all sounds from escaping this room. This offer was something I couldn't reject no matter what I have to do for it. Although there are things that Chloe/Hinata didn't tell me about that fucking lizard, that wasn't enough to calm the anger I felt when he destroyed my country.

[Ding! 'The Queen of Nightmares' has joined the Chat Room. Congratulations]




Kurumi Pov-

"So, they found that human, huh." I muttered after receiving the report from one of my many clones.

'The one who could seal a spirit's powers inside his body. How very interesting~'

Without much thought, I disappeared into my shadow. Reappearing above a light pole near a house that looked like it belonged to a middle-class family.

"So that's him?" I muttered, looking at the blue-haired boy who looked around the age of 16. He was surrounded by two girls. One was a young girl with bright red hair tied in twin tails. While the other one was around his age with a long, black hair.

"Ara-Ara~." I almost mewled in joy at recognizing the black-haired girl. She was the Spirit that recently appeared in this town, causing a Spacequake. But looking at her now, I couldn't find any indication of her being a spirit.

"So what said was true after all." I said, a creepy smile appearing on my face. With this, there's no need for me to hunt humans down anymore to consume their time.

'But I still don't know if he's the one who sealed that Sprit's Reiryoku.' I thought, wondering how I should confirm it.

"Shido Itsuka, was it?" I looked at his clothes, which looked like a school uniform. I contacted my clones to ask about this particular uniform before I got the answer.

"So it's the uniform of Raizen High School. Guess I'll have to visit that place and 'ask' them to make me a student there." I muttered with a smile before disappearing again.

But even if that boy was the one who sealed that Black Haired Spirit's power, I wouldn't directly consume him. Since he's acting so Nobel and righteous by sealing a Spirit's powers in the name of saving them, I'll torment him to no ends until he's at his worst before killing him. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of having this hypocrite despair.

'No, bad Kurumi, girls don't talk like that.' I warned myself internally.

"But I still don't have any information about that Nia Honjo, the Spirit who owns the Angel Rasiel." My plan was now simple.

Mess with the one who seals Spirits while searching for Nia Honjo and ask her about the First Spirit, Mio Takamiya. After that part was done, I'll consume Shido and use the 'Twelfth Bullet Yud Bet' to go back in the past and kill Mio Takamiya even before she became the First Spirit or something like that.

In the end, all I wanted was to save the millions of people who've died after the appearance of the First Spirt, Mio Takamiya. But deep down, my goal was to save my friend, who died at my hands, Sawa Yamauchi. And to wash away my sins of killing so many people and causing such disasters. But I knew that, for someone like me, redemption was impossible. That was the main reason I was disgusted by someone going around and saving Spirits, cause I knew that, after knowing what kind of a being I am, even he wouldn't bother to save me. Maybe the one who saves Spirits will come to kill me?

'But no matter what happens, I doubt I'll ever be able to accept myself.' I thought, wondering how that Black Haired Spirit felt after her powers were presumably sealed by that human, Shido Itsuka. 'Maybe I'll be happy too if that happens?' I quickly suppressed the thoughts before something I never expected happened.

'My plan was flawless, but what is this thing floating in front of me?' I thought, looking at the golden hologram floating in front of me.

[Would you, Tokisaki Kurumi, like to join the Dimensional Chat Group? It'll provide you with everything, knowledge, power, and most importantly, friends you could rely on. Doesn't matter what kind of information it is, be it about the First Spirit, the human who could seal spirits or the power to go back in time and kill the First Spirit, saving the lives of your best friend along with the millions of people that have died ever since the appearance of the First Spirit. Get a chance to meet people who'll accept you for who you are. Who'll see you as 'Tokisaki Kurumi' rather than a weapon meant for mass destruction. Travel through the infinite multiverse with companions, seeing things that you never thought were true even within your wildest dreams.]


'This sounds like a scam.' I thought. For me, the First Spirit was the strongest existence out there. But to think something like this would happen.

I decided to accept at the mention of my friend. Not to mention that I had nothing to lose in this. I was gonna go after that human either way, so I guess I'll see if there is anything useful in this Chat Group.

"Accept." I muttered before the hologram in front of me changed.

[Ding! 'The Worst Spirit' has joined the Chat Room. Congratulations]

"That slanderous nickname. I am the best spirit out there." I almost stomped my foot in anger while pouting.

{A/N- You are.}

[Would you like to transfer the Chat Group over to your Mobile Phone?]

'I can do that?'

[Yes, just hold the phone in your right hand.]

I summoned my phone from my shadow, doing what the hologram said. The hologram in front of me disappeared before it appeared inside my phone as an application named 'Dimensional Chat Group'.

[Would you like to use it in Portable Mode?] The application asked after I opened it.

I clicked 'Yes' again. Using it as a hologram is easier than typing messages using my hands.




Tatsumaki Pov-

"How boring." I muttered, looking at the three monsters in front of me.

It was a red giant, around the height of 120 meters, its red eyes were shining as it glared at me. It was a Dragon-level monster. Along with it, there were two humanoid monsters, one grey and the other black, each of them was a Demon level monster.

"What a disappointment." The black humanoid monster said before the other two nodded.

'Why are weaklings all like that?' I thought.

The big guy moved his foot, trying to step on me before I disappeared. Appearing in front of him, floating mid-air.

"Ho. So you're not completely useless. But if you want to destroy me, you must have the strength to do so." The big one said.

"I doubt she can even punch someone."

"To think that the Hero Association would send a child, what a disappointment. Hey, runt. You're bound to die so don't resist." After that, all three of them started laughing. But my attention was on something else.

"Who do you think you're calling a runt?" I was getting my teeth so hard that they almost broke.

"Are you an idiot, brat? We're calling you a runt."

Hearing that, I snapped. Lifting my finger, the three monsters started floating mid-air.

"W-What's happening?" The giant one asked in a panicked voice.

"It's that brat's doing." Both of the humanoid monsters shouted in unison.

'These lowly monsters.'

"I... AM AN ADULT YOU FUCKERS." I shouted while bringing my finger down. All three of them smashed into the ground. Creating a crater with a depth of approximately 100 meters. All three of them were now meat paste, lying at the centre of the crater.

"Hmph. That's what you get for calling me a brat."

It was about time for me to check up on my little sister's training so I decided to leave. After all, I am the best big sister out there. But before I could, I noticed a strange hologram floating in front of me.

[Would you, Tatsumaki, like to join the Dimensional Chat Group? Get a chance to get what you desire? Fight with enemies worthy of your strength while completely crushing them. Travel through different worlds. You can do anything in the Dimensional Chat Group, you can even ask for strength and bestow it upon your little sister, Fubuki. You can see what the infinite multiverse has to offer.]


"What is this? A Walmart Sale?" I muttered, looking at the hologram. It was as if a salesman was trying to sell this 'Dimensional Chat Group'. But he was very bad at it.

"I don't have anyone worthy enough to fight me, don't overestimate others. As for making my sister stronger, I'll do it myself as her older sister. I don't need some shady Chat Group to do things for me. Even within the multiverse, I doubt there's anyone who can rival me. Hmph, idiot. Reject." I said. There's no way that someone can fight me, let alone be worthy of me fighting them seriously.

The Hologram in front of me disappeared before it appeared again with something different written on it.

[Hey, you RUNT. Do you think you're strong? You flat-chested excuse of an adult? Your Esper powers are only good for lifting luggage and changing TV channels at best. You're 28? You look like a Kinder-Gardner with a superiority complex. No one can rival you even within the multiverse? People can shit on you without even batting an eye. You're nothing, you brat. If you have the guts, accept this invitation and prove that you're a runt who's strong or go cry in the corner. Maybe you can hug your 'OLDER' sister Fubuki and cry about being a kid while hugging her perfectly curved WOMANLY waist with your childish arms.]


"YOU SON A OF A BITCH." I was so angry that I release some of my powers accidentally, the 100 meters deep crater was now five hundred meters deep.

"ACCEPT." I shouted. The screen in front of me changed yet again.

[Ding! 'The Strongest Esper' has joined the Chat Room. Congratulations]

"At least my nickname is nice." I said, looking at the hologram. "Let's see what we got here."

{A/N- She's strong. Just check her Wiki.}




Junko Pov-

'Now, what should I do?' I thought, dying of boredom. 'Maybe I should try to kill my sister again. Since the despair of losing a sister must be intense.' A smile appeared on my face while thinking about brutally murdering my sister as she felt despair, losing all hope. The best part is that it doesn't end there. Just imagine, the despair of killing your sister, whom you love very much.

Be it my sister, my friends or those close to me. They are my favourites when it comes to killing someone. It's because I really LOVE them. Just the thought of killing them makes me despair. It's the best way to feel large amounts of despair.

"Just thinking about it is exciting." I muttered. After all, for me, despair is the only enjoyable emotion whether it is inflicting despair on others, or suffering from it myself, I'll do both wholeheartedly.

"I wonder how I'll feel after my goal is achieved." My goal was to make the whole world feel absolute despair when all hope's lost, a place where people can do nothing but despair about ever being born, that's my Utopia.

My thoughts were cut short as a hologram appeared in front of me.

[Would you, Junko Enoshima, like to join the Dimensional Chat Group? A chance for you to travel through the infinite multiverse while spreading absolute despair. Making people, who hold unimaginable powers, despair as they lose all hope? Why just the world, make the whole Multiverse feel absolute despair, create your Utopia.]

It only took me a moment to analyze the situation as a crazy smile appeared on my face. My cheeks flushed red along with my eyes a little watery.


[Ding! 'The One Who Loves Despair' has joined the Chat Room. Congratulations]

"That makes me sound like a masochist." I grumbled a bit.




So I haven't actually watched DANGANRONPA. The one Junko is from so this intro was based on her wiki so don't slander me if it's not right.

Random Numbers Recommendation- 375145 (Mind Control Warning)

Author Spit Facts- The reason people even bother to create edits where characters like Anos, Rimuru, and Mori stomp the DBZ universe is that the DBZ fandom is way too toxic. Except for that, everyone loves DBZ bruh. Stop commenting Goku solos on every damn post you see.