Am I Into Tsunderes?

Tatsuya Pov-

'Just don't go too far.' I thought, closing the chat window in front of me while simultaneously disabling the 'Live Stream' function that Mikasa asked me to activate a few years ago.


With my inhumane hearing, I heard the sound of a bed being broken by a single punch not too far away from us.

"What's wrong, sensei?" Although feint, I could confirm that it was Yue's voice.

'Sensei? What the hell happened in a few minutes?' I was having second thoughts about leaving Yue alone with Mikasa before my attention got taken by Kurumi.

"Tatsuya-san, where are we going?" Kurumi asked, turning towards me. Kurumi was dressed in her signature black Gothic Lolita dress with her hair tied in long twin tails.

"Why don't you show your left eye?" I asked, moving the bangs that were covering her left eye.

"Eh? But people will think it's weird. And you're covering yours too." Kurumi retorted, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"That just makes you look prettier." I said, making the light blush on her face grow deeper, almost reaching her ears.

"Thank you." Kurumi said, placing her hands on my face, revealing my left eye by removing the bangs covering them.

Leaning forward, I gave Kurumi a deep kiss. It's rare to find an empty elevator so might as well make the best use of it. While kissing her, a random thought appeared in my mind.

'Cringe lines are not cringed as long as you get the girl.' I thought, once again receiving enlightenment.


With that sound, the elevator stopped at the ground floor as we decided to start our date.

"Let's go." I said, raising my left arm a bit.

"Yes." Kurumi replied with a happy smile, hugging my arm tightly before we started walking out of the building.

"Are there any places you wanna go?" I asked. My experience with dates was pretty weird, if I'm being honest.

Mikasa was fine with whatever we did, even fighting for a few hours was considered a date among the two of us.

As for Pakura, she likes going to hot springs while talking about what's going on in our lives. I won't lie, she is the most comfortable person in my life, like a mascot character.

And Hikari was... Well, she wasn't picky about stuff. She can be bullied in any place regardless of the atmosphere. I remember giving her a couple of 100 spanks in the Mizukage's office for screwing some stuff up. The most interesting part was that she lied to me about screwing up to get 'punished'. Being the good person I am, I gave her another punishment for lying to me, which she enjoyed to the maximum.

'Thinking about it now, what's Kotori up to?' I remembered the other person besides Hikari who loves getting spanked.

After walking for a few minutes, we saw a restaurant and decided to eat something. I was kinda hungry after my 'intense workout' with Yue while mentally preparing myself for another 'intense workout' with Kurumi.

Tough but rewarding life.

"Tatsuya-san, what are your hobbies?" Kurumi suddenly asked, interest dripping from her eyes. "I wish to know all about you."

"My hobbies?" Thinking about it now, I'm not interested in many things apart from spending time with Mikasa, Pakura and Hikari while goofing around. We even created a group called 'Phantom Thieves' and started stealing things from random villages while we were waiting for the Dimensional Chat Group to start.

As for my past life, I barely had time to do anything, to be honest. Whatever free time Mikasa and I had was devoted to watching anime or reading manga that I accidentally discovered in an old man's collection after killing him on a mission.

In the beginning, it was our way of trying to escape reality before we became certified weebs and started recreating moves from various anime using our esper powers.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Kurumi asked, pressing the Sushi against my lips with her chopsticks.

"About my hobbies." I replied, taking a bite from it. Although everyone said that it tastes better if eaten whole, I like eating Sushi in two bites. But before I could, Kurumi ate the other half at a lightning-fast speed.

"No one is stealing your food away." I said, cleaning up the food left on the edges of her lips.

'Kurumi would love Hikari's cooking.' I thought, eating the pieces that were on Kurumi's lips as she blushed slightly.

"Right, Tatsuya-san, aren't your hair too long right now?" Kurumi said, trying her best to change the topic.

"Now that you mention it, it's been a while since Mikasa cut my hair." I muttered. The bangs covering my eyes were almost covering half of my cheek as well, which was kinda weird when I opened the System's front camera.

I pushed my hair towards the back before it fell on my face again.

"Mikasa-san cuts your hair?" Kurumi asked, tilting her head.

"Yup. Never had the time to do it with the whole Dimensional Chat Group going on." I replied, it's a habit we've had since our last life. "You wanna do it this time?" I asked with a smile.

"C-Can I?" Kurumi said, leaning forward on the table. She somehow reminded me of an excited cat.

"Of course. Just don't mess them up." I replied, patting her head.

"Yes." She replied with a happy smile.


While I was paying for our lunch, I understood why our food expenses were so much. It's just that Mikasa and Pakura eat too much on their own.

'Right, I should bring some modern food back to our world for Pakura and Hikari.' I thought, keeping that in mind.

"Tatsuya-san, that's." Kurumi said, pointing to my left.

Turning around, I looked at a muscular man with long, blonde hair and red eyes. He was wearing a golden jacket over a tight black tank top while revealing his two fangs with a smile on his face.

I blinked for a few seconds, rubbing my eyes before looking at him again.

It was him, DIO.

"Let's go check it out." Kurumi said in a loud voice, dragging me along.

The 'DIO' handed me a flyer of an anime conviction happening in the neighbouring city. If we go by train, it'll take a couple of hours for us to reach there.

"You idiot. Can't you do a single thing correctly?" A bald man started shouting at the man cosplaying as Dio.

"Must be tough, working under someone like that." Kurumi muttered.

"Not only are you dressed like a shitty creep, but you can't do a single job efficiently." The bald man kept blabbering as Kurumi and I smiled.

"Tatsuya-san, what are the chances of someone having a bad day just after dissing Dio?" Kurumi said with a smile.

"I would say about 100%." I replied with an equally nice smile.

"Get back to work and- ughhhh." The bald man started shouting in pain as he lost his balance, falling into the manhole that miraculously opened on its own.

Not long after that, the old man came up, covered in things I'd rather not talk about before a dog walked next to him, raising his leg and peeing on the bald man, making him fall into the manhole again.

We left the scene after Dio dealt with that old man.

"Tatsuya-san, should we go to the anime convention?" Kurumi asked before doing an 'Oh~' in realisation. "How about taking Mikasa-san and Yue-san with us? I'm sure Mikasa-san would love it."

"Then, how about going there tomorrow? For now, we can go there." I replied, pointing towards a certain shop.

"A maid cafe? But we just ate." Kurumi muttered.

"Not that, the shop next to it." I said, moving her head a little by poking her cheek.

The shop had a billboard saying 'Try Maid Costumes For Free'.

"Have you ever cosplayed as a maid?" I whispered in Kurumi's ear, making her blush as she shook her head in denial.

"I can do it if you want." Kurumi said, turning towards me.

"Then it's settled." I said, walking towards the shop.

After we were done picking a dress for her, I created a barrier around the changing room that will not allow people to look inside it. Just in case, it was a physical barrier as well, blocking anyone from entering by mistake.

"Tatsuya-san, I did some shopping with Mikasa-san as well. Should I show that to you as well?" Kurumi asked as a bag appeared out of her shadow.

"Of course." I replied, creating a chair from wood before taking a seat.

After a few minutes, Kurumi came out wearing a black, sleeveless dress that exposed most of her legs while holding a folding fan in her arms. What made it better was that she was revealing both of her eyes with a nice smile on her face.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at the dress. It kinda reminded me of a kimono.

"It's a traditional qipao." She replied, turning around once. "Does it look weird?"

"No, it looks very good." So good that something is rising, but it isn't the shield hero.

"How about doing something like..." I asked, wondering if she'd agree. After listening to my request, Kurumi blushed harder than she ever did before nodding slightly.

"How is it, Master?" Kurumi asked, dressed in a maid costume with her left eye on full display. I just smiled at her as she realised what I wanted her to say before she lifted her skirt, revealing her plain white panties. Unlike before, she wasn't blushing that hard.

"How is it, Master?"

'This life has been worth it.' I thought, giving her a thumbs up. Just in case, I also clicked a picture of it.

After that, Kurumi dressed in different types of lingerie, maid uniforms, a bunny girl dress, a lewd maid uniform, and a very lewd maid uniform.

We bought several dressed from the shop before taking our leave. Noticing that no one was around, I started kissing Kurumi again, grabbing her thighs before picking her up and placing her back against the wall.

"Tatsuya-san, I love-" Before Kurumi could finish her words, we were interrupted by a very loud shout.

"W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TWO DEVIANTS DOING?" The blush on Kurumi's face disappeared as a vein popped up on her forehead. The two of us turned towards a certain red-haired girl who had a lollipop inside her mouth, looking at us with a burning gaze.

Letting go of Kurumi, I turned toward Kotori with a smile on my face. "Is there anything you need?"

"You... This time, I'll defeat you." Kotori grumbled with slightly teary eyes and a red face.

'Right, I have that skill as well. Appraisal.' I thought as a hologram appeared in front of me.

[Kotori Itsuka

Angel: Camael

Strength: AA-Class Spirit

Feelings towards Host: Wants to get spanked, fear, annoyance, hate, anger, wants to get spanked, confused by what you did to her, jealousy, wants attention, pretending that she wasn't following you around for an hour, wants to ignore you, wants to get bullied again.]

'Isn't this development too fast? And how can someone be this Tsundere in an appraisal skill?' My brain almost crashed looking at her status. I knew that someone has been following us around for a while now, but since they were being so cautious, I thought it was someone from DEM trying to monitor us, so I didn't bother with it. Since I planned on visiting DEM soon enough.

'No matter what, Kotori interrupted our date, and she needs to be punished.' That was what Kurumi's sweet smile was screaming.

[The Last Judgement- Hey, look at this.]

I decided to share the Status with Kurumi on the Dimensional Chat Group.

[The Worst Spirit- Tatsuya-san, do you have an appraisal skill?]

[The Last Judgement- Don't worry, it doesn't work on chat group members.]

The last part wasn't a lie, I just tried using it on Kurumi and nothing came up.

I gave Kurumi a knowing smile, she looked at me for a few seconds before smiling, I could tell that she was annoyed after being interrupted like that.

"Ara Ara~ Looks like we have a lost child to take care of, Tatsuya-san." Kurumi mewled, licking her lips as she looked at Kotori.

"I've already created a barrier around this road, so no one will come here." I whispered in Kurumi's ear before walking over to Kotori.

'I hope no cars move towards this road or they'll just get destroyed by the barrier.' I thought, looking at Kotori who was about to summon her Angel, I used a body flicker to appear in front of her.

"Camae-" Before she could summon her Angel, I flicked my middle finger at her forehead as several hands appeared from Kotori's shadow, grabbing her and pinning her down on all fours.

"Y-You, let go of me or it'll be bad." Kotori again shouted, looking at me.

"I'm not the one holding you down." I said, crouching in front of her before pulling the lollipop away from her mouth.

"Are these things really that tasty?" I asked, looking at Kurumi. That was an honest question, it was my first time actually paying attention to this kind of stuff.

"I liked them when I was a child." Kurumi replied before turning towards Kotori with a grin. "Maybe that's why she likes them. It makes perfect sense with her being a flat-chested brat."

'Damn, even Kotori's Angel can't heal that burn.' I thought, looking at Kotori who was shivering from anger.

"Y-You... I'm 72 centimetres in the bust, don't make fun of me." Kotori retorted, tears building up in her eyes.

'She is definitely bragging.' With that thought, I placed the lollipop inside my mouth.

"Let go of me or- W-What are you doing? Y-You Pervert." Kotori shouted, glaring at me as Kurumi giggled.

[The Worst Spirit- Tatsuya-san, you like bullying her that much?]

Maybe? She reminds me of Hikari with her fetish of being bullied. But the way Kotori reacts makes it all the more interesting to bully her.

'Am I into Tsunderes? Gotta visit the Fate World.' I guess we learn new things about ourselves every day.

Not long after, the image of a certain pink-haired girl appeared in my mind.

'Yup, gotta visit future dairy as well. People there don't appreciate Yanderes properly. God, I feel like I'm imitating Mikasa's thought process.'

[The Last Judgement- Don't you like bullying her as much as me?]

I looked at Kurumi, who was already positioning herself behind Kotori, ready to fulfil the latter's wish.

[The Worst Spirit- Ahem* Should we tell her about you removing the effects of her Sephira Crystal? She must be confused by suddenly not feeling anything towards Shido, no?]

[The Last Judgement- How about telling her along with the other two spirits?]

[The Worst Spirit- The other two?]

[The Last Judgement- We can't do much apart from basic stuff regarding Time and Space with our powers in your world. So we need the cooperation of two other spirits if we wanna save Sawa.]

More like it'll be too troublesome to do it on our own. Or as the ROB said, gotta catch 'em all.

[The Worst Spirit- Is that so?]

We peacefully chatted while ignoring Kotori's constant cursing and how she'd beat us to death if we refused to release her.

Walking behind Kotori, I positioned myself behind her as she turned around, her eyes filled with anger and hope.

"Y-You... Don't do anything to me. I-" Kotori's shouts were cut short as I suddenly landed my hand on her buttocks.


"Aah~" A satisfied and long wished moan escaped her mouth as she closed her eyes.


This time, it was Kurumi's turn.



We stopped for a few seconds before Kotori turned toward me with a smug grin and a beet-red face. "Do you think that'll do anything to me? My Angel can heal this in a couple of seconds."

I won't lie, her words would've been a lot more convincing if her status wasn't showing [Wants you to continue].






It took her quite a while, but she started asking for more while also telling us to go harder on her.

We messed with Kotori for about an hour before I teleported her to Ratatoskr's base after she fell asleep with a satisfied smile.

"That was refreshing, wasn't it, Tatsuya-san?" Kurumi asked with a happy smile, hugging my arm.

"You are a lot more like Mikasa than I initially thought."

More like Mikasa is like Kurumi, considering she was her favourite character back in the day. I remember Mikasa cosplaying as Kurumi once.

'Let's go and visit DEM tomorrow while abducti- saving Nia Honjo in the process.' I thought as we continued our date for the rest of the day.




If the illustrations are deleted on webnovel, check them on discord.

Right, what should come first? An R-18 chapter with Kurumi or the plot and then an R-18 chapter with Kurumi?