Rewrite Notice

So yeah, don't know how many people are still here, but this is fic getting a rewrite.

Reviving the dead audience is impossible (my fault ik), so I'll start this again. I have ideas for the plot (like two or three arcs) but couldn't write them cause the flow was disrupted by the DxD fic, and then I started writing an MP fic (shouldn't have started so much lol).

I also have a Black Clover Fic (21 chapters 80,000 words) and a DxD fic (Not the same as the previous one, completely different plot. It has 34 chapters 110,000 words) that haven't been uploaded yet. God help me.

As for this fic (up until this point in the story), much won't change in the rewrite except for some additional chapters, the Harem Members (will probably remove Pakura and Hikari, adding Kushina instead), and how the mc and fmc showcase their powers openly (at least when they're kids), along with some other details.

Chat Group might also get a member removed.

I wrote a couple of chapters of the rewrite already, and will start uploading it after stockpiling a little.