Was she that unlikeable?

'Arh, yes. I just wanted us to talk,' she voiced out.

'No,' Ezer only turned her down.

'No? I want you to keep me company and you say no? How are we supposed to be friends?' Judith began and she said she saw her wolf flash a grin.

How did she see that? She asked herself.

'First of all, I do not like the new human you. Secondly, that is not how it works. You are half of me and I am half of you.

Thirdly, you saw that because I let you. Remember, whatever you think, I know and hear it,' Ezer explained again.

'You do not like the new human me? How was I supposed to know how to be a 'mee' when you were sleeping for all these years?

You got some nerves to say that when you don't even have the strength to do anything,' Judith also accused, causing her wolf to shut her mouth.

Judith then continued anyways, 'And are we not supposed to be there for each other? If you don't want to talk to me, just go to sleep.'