Mount Olympus

Of course not.

Since ancient times, war has been the means of integration.

Joseph did not want to force these Adenites to integrate into a complete nation in the name of the gods, and he had to use this method.

He desired war with the Aden, and of course, he would advance in it to ensure that the course of history followed his vision.


Orpheus' tribe had lost many more people, and unspeakable grief pervaded everyone's hearts.

Orpheus lay helpless on the grassland, and they finally, reluctantly, found a cave for temporary residence.

But the howling of the beasts at night and the attacks of that horrible deha still kept everyone on their toes—they called the Amoyan Lizard deha, which is the phonetic translation of horror in their language.

"Are those Deha...?"

Is really invincible? And those Adenians... "

Orpheus touched the necklace of wolf's teeth on his neck. This is his trophy. When he was fifteen years old, he was able to kill the steppe wolf alone. He pulled off the steppe wolf's fangs and made it into a necklace. It has been three years now.

Does God really exist? Why doesn't God favor us? And only favors those Aden people! "

If there really is a god...

Respond to me! "

Orpheus roared at the moon. He had thought that this time, as usual, the same would not respond.

But this time it was different.


"Your name is Orpheus?"

It wasn't spoken in Aden, but it was instantly understandable to Orpheus.

Orpheus thought he was blinded, and a man actually appeared in the sky.

Orpheus hurriedly stood up and looked carefully at the person who spoke in the sky.

The man surprisingly had light flickering behind him. He looked completely different from the Aden. He wore a white robe with no pattern, no arms and legs showing. Such a strange decoration, Orpheus had never seen before.


You are! "

Orpheus asked incoherently.

"I am God!"

This man was Joseph, of course.

"I have come to save you."

"Save us! Are you really God? The God who created us? Why did those Deha kill only us and not those Adenites? "

"I created you," Joseph said, and as for the second question, he wasn't going to answer it.

"I will give you the power so that you can resist the Deha."


"Yes, power." "I will send you to Mount Olympus, where I live," Joseph continued.

"The way to get the power is on the mountain."


"Olympus has been unchanged since the creation of the world. It is steep and difficult to climb. At the top of Olympus, a bottle of ancient sacred blood is placed. Drink it, and you will gain new life!" Joseph said indifferently, "Any way to gain power is not within our reach. We must pay the price."

"New life!" Orpheus froze.

"If you are ready now, I will send you to the foot of Mount Olympus."

"I was ready!" Orpheus replied in a hurry; he desperately needed strength, strength as strong as a lion, then he could kill Deha and protect his people.

"As you wish!"

Joseph waved his hand, and both he and Orpheus disappeared and appeared in Olympus again.


Orpheus wasn't the first.

Three other tribesmen had perished in the Olympus before him.

People who want to get spiritual giant's blood must go through the test of Olympus, and only people with a strong will as well as physical ability can climb Olympus can drink spiritual giant's blood and not die.

At the foot of Mount Olympus, it was still cold and windy.

This place is completely different from the Welsh prairie, where there is no life at all.

The lofty Olympus plunges straight into the sky. The stone walls are steep and uneven, and then look around. It is actually in a jungle of mountains. Only the jungle spread to Olympus will seem to be blocked, no longer continue.

The stone wall of Olympus has a child's arm-thick vine that extends down, but the top does not know where to lead.

"It's here!"

Orpheus stepped forward to grip the vine, gritted his teeth, and began to climb.

Like a tiny ant challenging nature, Orpheus began this climb with no end in sight.

On numerous occasions, the weather here is far worse than in other mountains.

Orpheus grabbed the vine upward. The cold wind was whistling. The cold feeling almost made Orpheus unable to hold the vine.

Frozen! The cold!

Continuing for a few hundred meters, Orpheus was exhausted. He couldn't hold on, but luckily, above his head, a cavern appeared. He could go in and rest for a while.

The cavern was damp, and even though it was so damp, there was still no moss.

"It seems that this mountain is really lifeless!"

The water came from nowhere, and Orpheus didn't care. He licked his lips and sucked the water from the rock wall.

and with sand and gravel.

Orpheus said, "yuck," spit out the sand and gravel, and looked at the sky outside.

Orpheus remembered being sent here. The grassland was still night, and now it was daytime.

"It really is the power of God!"

Orpheus had good eyesight. He could even see the grassland in the distance. That must be his home, the Welsh prairie.

Having rested enough, Orpheus began to continue climbing upward.

But after this cold wind, surprisingly, higher up it was scorching hot again.

The hot wind was like blowing directly from the hot sun, burning the rock wall vines. Orpheus would like to let go of the vines, but he knew that once he let go, he would certainly die.

"Hold on! "Hang in there! "

Orpheus kept pumping himself in his heart, just as he fought with the steppe wolf, who first slackened, who would die. No beast would let him go, just as this Olympus would not let go.

Orpheus still had his wife, and his children were waiting for him in the tribe!

After the scorching mountains, there was another period of cold winter.


Olympus is more than 5,000 meters high and steep, and no one can climb up without this vine that Joseph deliberately put down.

The caverns are also left by Joseph, and the water in the caverns can restore the strength, and there are caverns at every distance.

Joseph sat on a stone chair to tease a goose. The place is often visited by birds.

"Huh?" Joseph suddenly laughed, "Surprisingly, it came up."

Yes, it took Orpheus a full fifteen days to climb to the top of the mountain. Such a feat is quite rare in the entire human race.

Of course, perhaps it was Joseph's preference for Aden.

Perhaps elsewhere in the Welsh steppe, or perhaps in places that are not the Welsh steppe, there exist people who can climb Olympus.

The vines at the top of the mountain twitched, and soon Orpheus appeared at the top.

"I did it!" Orpheus shouted in a buoyant spirit.

But it was only a flashback; such a grind had reached his limit, and he soon fainted.

Orpheus was qualified to take the Spiritual Giant's Blood, and Joseph had considered doing so himself but had decided against it.

One is the great danger involved, and the other is that even if he succeeds, he will not be able to give birth to offspring-he has severe reproductive isolation from present-day Earth humans.

A spiritual giant that could not continue would have no meaning.

Orpheus gives Orpheus the drop of Spiritual Giant blood to drink and uses the channel to introduce the blood into his bloodstream.

Orpheus and the Spiritual Giant's program began to fuse.

"I hope you can survive ...

don't waste my Spiritual Giant's blood!" Joseph stared at him.