The Great Fire

As Raiser went out through the East Gate, the words of Jace echoed in his mind.

"Raiser, Kaiser's fate is now in your hands."

"What! What does ...


"I have long said that Kaiser's army, in front of the Odin, is just a bunch of sideburns ...

When you go out, don't draw the Odin's attention."

"Why? If the city is destined to break down, wouldn't it be better if we surrender?"

"Surrender?" Jace sneered a few times.

"You know what! Lethal, a large part of Han River died, all under the Odin! And the rest of them all succumbed to Odin rule and were reduced to the lowest of the pariahs!" A rare look of anger appeared on Jace's face, "We Kaiser millions of people, do you want the Kaiser people to spill their blood on Welsh!"

"If we do not surrender ...

what can we do? I lead the army to San Francise and what can it do!"

"No, you don't go to San Francise!" said Jace.


"You'll just wait around Lenoir." Jace's voice lowered and his eyes were unmistakably sharp.

"I want ...

them to be martyred for us!"


Raiser almost lost his mind, he didn't expect Jace to be planning this at all.

"Odin people must be their main army! Raiser," Jace said in a deep voice, in a place where no one could see, just him and Raiser.

"The Odin must pay the price."

Jace added after a pause, "The price of life!"

"If they don't die here, when they come back to Kaiser, it will be the end of our entire kingdom."

Jace knew very well that even if they could withstand Odin's invasion this time, there was no way they could withstand the next one.

In that case, it was better to teach the Odin one last lesson, a lesson called the dignity of the Kaiser people.

"When the Odin besiege Lenoir, you will light a fire, and the heavens will bless the Kaiser, and we will have the south wind blowing here."

"You will burn them!" Raiser exclaimed, "But then the fire won't stop, it will involve the city of Lenoir!"

"Using tens of thousands of lives in Lenoir for millions of people to stay alive, it's a good deal, isn't it?" Jace said it as easily as if he wasn't in it.

"If that's the case, why did you call all of us here!" Raiser suddenly thought of this, "We still have so many troops! When the fire starts, everyone in Lenoir has to die!"

"The 40,000 troops in the Arata and Buk districts are enough to stay alive," Jace said, "We have to leave people behind to draw the Odin's attention, and without enough troops and chiefs around, the Odin won't attack in force."

"And, this is also the Kaiser's chance! The Kaiser have been scattered for too long, it's time to unify."

Jace looked to Raiser without saying anything.

Raiser was also too shocked to say anything for a while before he said, "Why me?"

"I'd love to say that only I deserve to be in that seat, but there's no more time ...

for me to be here if I'm not, and the Odin wouldn't have chosen Leno as a target to attack."

"Raiser ...

you can be the king of Kaiser."


Raiser took advantage of the night to lead a large number of people out of the city, just as Jace had said, and both Booker and Arata's army fled.

Everyone didn't know what they were going out for, and probably really thought they were just intercepting the Odin.

Jace used his own life and the lives of other chiefs to draw the Odin under siege, accompanied by more than 30,000 Kaiser soldiers and nearly 10,000 residents of Lenoir.

It was a battle of lives for lives, and the plan, if it went well, would probably be the first time in history written about the victory of the weak over the strong.

"Everyone, cut the dead grass on the south side of Lenoir City!" Raiser took a deep breath and ordered.

This was something that had to be done to avoid the fire from spreading too far.


"Your Majesty, Kaiser's army has all concentrated in Lenoir City, at least 40,000 to 50,000 people, their leader besides Raiser, the other six have also arrived in Lenoir City, they should want to duel with us in Lenoir," Ando reported the news he had spied to Moni.

The war in this era does not have the complexity, the art of war or military types are still not pioneering comprehension for the time being, even the various tactics are not skilled, the only effective pre-battle preparation is to probe the enemy's intelligence.

"Forty to fifty thousand people?" Moni nodded slightly, in his opinion defeating such an army is not a difficult task, "Didn't they say they have seven chiefs? Why did only six come?"

"Perhaps Raiser has a gap with Jace ...

I once heard from merchants who traveled to Kaiser to trade that Raiser, as the second largest regional chief of Kaiser, has always had disagreements with Jace."

"I see," Moni didn't think much of it, "my Spiritual domain can extend at least a dozen meters away, and if their chief dares to stand on the walls, then let's teach them a small lesson."

The Spirituals' special abilities are naturally developed, and berserk has now progressed to the point where they can control localized local berserk, such as left and right hands, or feet and legs.

The extended application of the Spiritual Domain, on the other hand, is relatively difficult, mainly because there are too few Spirituals who can use it; after all, a 55% bloodline concentration is not available to everyone.

The main way to use Moni's Spiritual Domain is to control a small bronze sword without a hilt, which can play a role similar to that of the "Royal Sword Art".


"Pass the order down, rest on the spot! Tomorrow we will attack the city!"

Odin army carry food mainly air-dried cured meat, speaking of curing, Aden region is actually very rich in salt mines, salt is also Odin kingdom with the grassland trade a large category of goods.

The air-dried meat carried a stinky smell, and Moni tore off a large bite, then opened a canteen made of animal stomach pouches to drink.

Odin people carry not much supplies, this era has not yet thought of the rear to establish supply lines such as the basic operation of war, so the war to break Lenoir must be the sooner the better, using the supplies of Lenoir City as supplies, Odin can continue to attack.

Welsh prairie grass or weeds have mostly dried yellow, sleep on the ground as long as the appropriate people arranged for night watch generally will not be attacked by wild animals.

But somehow, Moni some fear of fire or Kaiser people set fire, that may cause significant damage, in the prairie, fire is not difficult to see.

But only worry for a while, Moni does not think that anything will really go wrong.

Even if the Kaiser really come to set fire, they can not succeed, and now the wind is blowing south, unless the Kaiser can go around behind Odin's army, but then, they will certainly reveal their movements.

This is the reason why Jace must leave his men behind to fight Odin, only then will he not find out that the Kaiser have gone behind them.

"They wouldn't dare to set fire to it," Moni said to himself, "and the whole city of Lenoir would be burned."


As Moni lay in the meadow, he suddenly thought of Orpheus, who had already gone to heaven.

That is really the great and supreme glory of the Azha family, the great God created all human beings, Moni felt that he should write a book for God, or set up a sect or something, these are the things that should be done.

"After the conquest of Kaiser, it can be suspended." Moni thought in his mind.

Looking at the night sky without stars and lonely with only a curved moon, Moni gradually fell asleep.