Thick Burial

In the sumptuous palace of Orpheus City, King Felton Aza frowned deeply.

The war with Kaiser had begun nearly three months ago, and although the Kaiser had not allowed the Kaiser to take another point of territory, Hanhe had not been able to fight back at all.

And just yesterday, he received a message from the southeastern border city - Amon Kingdom had sent a considerable number of bards to Odin.

At the juncture when Odin and Kaiser were fighting, Amon Kingdom sent bards to declare war, and their intentions were clear - seeing Kaiser biting a piece of meat from Odin, they wanted to come and have a piece of the pie too.

"Your Majesty the King ..."

Odin's military minister, John Azar, shouted in a low voice, not daring to speak too loudly for fear of disturbing the monarch who was worried about the war.

In fact, he did not want to come over at such a time, but he could not help that what had just happened was too significant and shocking.

Felton headache dealing with the front line war dispatch, he is almost fifty years old, although compared to the Spiritual clan's average life expectancy of nearly eighty years, he is still young, but the king is not so easy duties, the years have been peeking out between his gray hair.

"What can I do for you? Old John." Felton put down the epistle in his hand - paper and ink had been around for many years.

Through many years, except for the Aza family is still standing, everything seems to appear and disappear with time, such as the original Lancer family, which is as strong as ever.

The second mountaineer, Olaine Lancer, appeared in their family, and in this way became the military minister of Odin's family, a position almost entirely inherited by them.

But now, 1,300 years later, the Lancer family has long since fallen into obscurity, and their stone chair, coveted by all Odin, was kept secret by the royal family three hundred years ago.

The post of military minister also began to be in the hands of the Aza family.

Old John was even older than the king, the last king he had been the military minister, his face was as wrinkled as the most rugged Olympus mountains, his eyes had lost their luster, cloudy.

But when he walked quickly to Felton at this time, his eyes surprisingly also with a ray of light, Felton was sure that what old John was about to say, must be very, very important things.

"God ...

he has appeared again!" Old John could hardly suppress his voice, he was like spitting out a secret that had been hidden deep for decades, even though he had only just learned the news.

Felton immediately stood up, he could hardly believe his ears, his face instantly became red from the swelling blood excitement, eyes wide, mouth slightly open, and kept shaking - not only the mouth, his whole body was trembling.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard, it was as unbelievable as if someone was telling him that the Welsh prairie would not grow grass from now on or that his dead great-great-great grandfather had suddenly come back to life.

Can you believe it?

God has appeared!!!

It was the same God who created everything, who created the Spiritual religion, who created the earth, who created the mountains, who created the sun, who is omnipotent.

Thirteen hundred years after he left Odin, he has finally reappeared.

"Are you sure!!! John! Is it God! He ...

he's back!?" Felton was incoherent with excitement as he threw his arms around old John's shoulders and asked loudly.

Old John looked at King Felton's excited and overwhelmed look and nodded, "Your Majesty, I will not make a joke about God! You should understand this, God has indeed returned."

He was no better than Felton when he learned the news, and even almost fainted with excitement.

If he hadn't made sure to inform the king about this, he might have actually gone straight to heaven to meet Spiritual God.

"Great! Great!" Felton said excitedly to himself, and then said to old John as if suddenly awakened, "John! Where is God? I want to go see him! Is he in Olympus now? Arrange men for me, I want to go there immediately!"

"No, Your Majesty, the god is not in Olympus."

Old John shook his head and said, "It's a strange red lizard beast that came from outside the city, looking like Deha who suddenly swept through Aden and disappeared a thousand years ago."

"Deha?" Felton frowned and asked, "What does that have to do with God?"

"The red deha was carrying a corpse on its back - the corpse was wrapped in a white god's robe, and I guarantee with my life that it was definitely a god's robe!"

"God's robe?" Felton exclaimed.

"Your Majesty, do you remember the opening chapter of the Spiritual Record?"

"Of course, how could this be forgotten!" Felton could not have forgotten it anyway, the Book of Spiritual was something that every Odin prince had to learn and memorize completely at an early age, after all, they had to become a pope first in order to become a king later on.

"On the day of Odin's pioneering, the true God crowned Orpheus, and God, dressed in white robes, granted Orpheus gracious strength and new life."

The Spiritual Book is not exactly a compilation, at least but any account where the Spiritual gods actually appear is recorded with complete authenticity, such as God gracing Orpheus and God rewarding Olaine.

"Wait ...

you say corpse?!" Felton read out the opening of the Spiritual record, suddenly pay attention to the old John mouth of the corpse.

With his life, Felton definitely did not want that corpse to be the god, even though Spiritual God disappeared for so many years, they passed down for so many generations, all Odin people are still devout believers of Spiritual God.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty," Old John laughed and made a rare joke, "if that is the corpse of a god, and the god is dead, what is the need for us, the children of the god, to exist? At least the king's majesty will never see me again - I will certainly follow God to the kingdom of heaven together."

Knowing that the corpse was not a god, Felton breathed a huge sigh of relief.

No one would doubt what old John said, and if news of the god's death spread, the whole of Odin would be overthrown, I'm afraid, because too many people committed suicide.

"That is the body of Dragan Figo, white robe left a note written by God," said the old John from his arms carefully feel a white paper.

On it was clearly written:

"Dragan Hago, died on the battlefield of Fermil, thick burial."

"Dragan ...

Dragan," Felton muttered, the moment he saw the note, he was sure that this must be left by God, never the rest of the people's lies, this is from the intuition of the program.

"And beyond that?"

"Your Majesty, the first thing we need to do is to bury Dragan, in a scenic manner!" Old John reminded seriously.

"That is certainly ...

what must be done, Dragan should be given the surname Aza, and he has to be buried in the royal mausoleum." Felton nodded vigorously, "Does he have any children or parents? We need to bring back the royals who have been stranded."

"Your Majesty, on my way to see you, the men who went to Fermil as well as Figo have already departed."