Fainted again

A few days passed...

This morning, Travis didn't go to the hospital because he had a day off and was going to drive Rachel to Ohio. The man allowed his fiancée to go because he was going to work on a project with his friends. even though it was hard, he did it because he didn't want to put his fiancé too restrained he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Can I follow you to Ohio one day?" asked Travis, focusing on driving at average speed.

"Of course, but you have to call me first so I can get ready," Rachel replied casually, glancing at Travis who looked handsome in a casual look wearing navy jeans combined with a cream-colored sweater and combing his hair in a pompadour. "You know, the project I'm working on is very closely related to women. I will always be with my friends, creating beauty and fashion content….it seems relaxed but very time-consuming and keeps me busy with them thinking about ideas for our content to attract viewers so that our views go up," she continued.

"You don't have to fight to be a celeb because I can fulfill all your needs," Travis said languidly, unable to hide his disappointment at Rachel's decision to go to Ohio to join her friends as a celeb.

"And what I need is not only your money, but I also need fun. What's wrong if I have fun with my friends while working before we get married? Because if we were married, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do this...I will be bound to you I will have duties as a wife… I will have no freedom. And only now do I have freedom until you decide when to marry me." Rachel said casually.

Travis was silent, glancing at Rachel who was discussing marriage. For some reason, he was hesitant to say that at any time he be able to marry her, but his heart was doubtful, his heart was still not sure that his fiancée could become his wife soon. oh, okay, that's a good feeling because his fiancé is so sneaky!

"Are you angry?" Rachel asked.

"No, I'm not angry," Travis replied with a faint smile, glancing at Rachel who looked sexy in a blue tight dress and wore a white fur jacket, thick make-up, and hair tied in a ponytail. 'Oh, God ... .why does my fiancé look like a bitch? I don't know why every day I'm less and less sure that she is good for me. But I love her,' he thought.

Until a few minutes had passed, Travis stopped his car in the airport yard. he immediately got off, then took Rachel's suitcase in the trunk.

"Sorry, I can't walk you in," Travis said, staring at Rachel as she got out of the car.

"Why?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing, I just want to go home soon and then sleep...I stayed up all night because a patient gave birth, so now I want to rest," Travis replied then kissed Rachel's forehead.

Rachel sighed, looking at Travis who didn't seem to let her go. She hugged her fiancée, then rubbed his back.

"Don't be sad, we are indeed LDR, but our hearts are always close," she said.

"I'm going to miss you," Travis said wearily.

"I'll miss you too." Rachel let go of her arm and looked up at Travis who was taller than her. "I'll always video call you when you're not busy."

"It has to be," Travis exclaimed.

"Do not be sad anymore. I'm only gone for a while because when we're married, I'll always be with you," Rachel said with a smile, and her heart was saying, 'but I can't say for sure if we'll get married or not because I want John too.'

Travis just nodded and then let Rachel walk towards the airport building dragging her suitcase. The man was silent, constantly staring at his fiancee who occasionally paused to just wave at him and he just replied with a smile and waved too.

"I'd better get back home now, teasing the grumpy Phoebe looks like it's going to be a lot of fun," Travis said with a faint smile then got back into his car. .the man was driving his car towards home, wanting to use his day off to rest and find peace rather than traveling to recreation places.

at Travis' house, in the kitchen to be exact, Phoebe was making hot tea because she was feeling nauseous and by drinking only hot tea she could ease nausea.

"Phoebe, are you sick?" asked Alicia who had just come into the kitchen carrying some dirty dishes and placing them in the sink because she was about to wash them.

"It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy," said Phoebe wearily.

Alicia was silent, glancing at Phoebe who looked pale and her body looked limp as if not excited since a few days after fainting. The girl wanted to make sure that her friend was pregnant or not but she felt uncomfortable and was afraid that this would only make her angry and their friendship would fall apart.

'But if she's pregnant, she definitely won't force herself to work. She is a very loving person and cares about health, she will not let the baby in her tummy get in trouble because she has to work. Maybe she's not pregnant and right now she's just tired, maybe she's mentally down because of her family problems.' Alicia was talking to herself inwardly, trying not to think negatively of Phoebe.

"Alicia, I've finished all my work, now I want to rest in my room," said Phoebe.

"Okay, have a good rest," said Alicia with a smile.

Phoebe walked out of the kitchen holding a cup of tea with a not-too-sweet taste. The woman who wore a dark green suit and tucked some of her hair back continued to walk, holding back her dizziness. Hot and cold seemed to mix, her body was also shaking, and even her stomach felt very churning like she wanted to vomit.

'Oh my God, I've only been working here for a few days. Don't let Dr. Travis find out my true situation... I'm not ready to be fired...I need money to pay for leaving this country,' Phoebe thought as she continued walking until she reached the living room then paused on the couch and sat there feeling dizzy. The woman drank her tea little by little, then rested her head on the sofa's shoulder while closing her eyes.

Phoebe was silent with burning eyes, feeling like she was going to cry because the situation was too heavy. mentally and physically ill made her very sad, unable to calm down or act okay.

"I need to rest in my room so Dr. Travis doesn't see me like this," Phoebe said then stood up and walked slowly towards her room, but suddenly she lost her balance until her vision started to blur, and finally collapsed right near the stairs. .ugh, she's passed out again, and Travis will surely find out because Travis will be home soon.
