Traitor and loyal

After a few minutes of driving, John finally stopped his car in front of a classic minimalist house with a dominating dark brown paint. The man immediately got off, along with the girl then led him to walk towards the main door of the house.

"I bought this house, especially for us, and surely no one would have thought if it was here," said John then took out a key from his trouser pocket.

Rachel glanced at the surroundings that were not too densely populated because indeed the distance between the other houses was very far and there was no gate there.

"This house is very small, not my dream house," she said.

John smiled sarcastically as Rachel was used to living in luxury. "Of course, this is not your dream house. And this is only our temporary home to stay safe and comfortable whenever we are together. Because no one will think that we are the owners of this house because we are used to living in luxury," he said then pushed the door open.