Travis' rage

The next day ...

Travis is still in the hospital. All night he stays awake with the nurse who is always with him because he looks after or monitors his patient who has experienced bleeding. The man sleeping on the bed usually used to examine patients sat up, covering his mouth as he yawned.

"Looks like I have to go home now," he said wearily.


Travis saw a woman dressed as a doctor came into his room. "Dr. Kim."

"Dr. Travis. If you want to go home, no problem. Let me monitor your patient," said the woman who turned out to be Dr. Kimberly, she is also an obstetrician who is on par with Travis. the doctor was about 25 years old and looked beautiful with shoulder-length blonde hair, wearing a white medical suit.

"I think that's how it should be. Maybe I'll come here at night because in the afternoon I'll see my grandparents," Travis said lazily.

"Oh, they are coming?"