feeling anxious

Travis, who was having breakfast, was surprised by the arrival of his grandparents and Taylor. The man immediately stood up, then greeted them except Taylor, because he was a little out of touch with him.

"Oh my God, you guys shouldn't have come here," Travis said, looking pitifully at his wrinkled grandparents. "I even intended to meet you guys after breakfast," he continued.

"I can't wait to talk to you because you just left last night," said Adam.

"Sorry, last night I was busy with my patient problem."

"I understand because that's your responsibility," Adam said casually, then glanced at the dining table where there were two bowls full of soup, and the other one was empty. He looked back at Travis. "Who are you having breakfast with?" he asked.

Travis paused, glancing at Phoebe who immediately lowered her head.

"Do you have a Mistress so you didn't like us talking about Rachel last night?" Taylor asked, then sat down in a chair.