Last flower

At 9 am, Ohio time, United States, Travis arrived at the airport. The man who wears blue jeans combined with a white shirt and black jacket then carries a small sling bag and immediately activates his cellphone while walking towards the main airport door. he saw an incoming message via WhatsApp, then paused and read it.

Taylor: Why did you suddenly come home? There is a patient in urgent condition ... The patient's husband is very angry that you are not there because he does not like Dr. Kim's service. I hope when your business is done, you return to the hospital immediately to carry out your responsibilities or our family hospital's accreditation will be bad in people's eyes.

Travis sighed, then looked around but his mind was still on Rachel.

'I can't procrastinate on resolving this matter, I need to know I have to confirm if she's cheating on me or not!' his mind is restless.