still not honest

At ten in the morning, Travis had just finished doing yoga with Phoebe on the upstairs terrace. They did not immediately rest in their respective rooms but sat together on the floor while gazing at the view around the garden of the house.

"Have you ever missed your husband?" Travis asked, glancing at Phoebe, who looked cute and sexy in a gray yoga uniform, unable to hide her already bulging belly.

"Only sometimes, because now I never feel lonely," Phoebe replied with a faint smile. "There's my baby, you, Matheo, Alicia, Angelica ... I can't deny that you guys make me excited to live life again," she continued.

Travis smiled brightly, flattered that he was part of Phoebe's spirit too. he glanced at the maid who tied her hair in a ponytail, then glanced at her distended belly and imagined the baby must be beautiful and adorable.

"Can I touch your belly... Just for a second?" Travis asked rather nervously. "I wonder... Does she move around a lot?"