Phoebe welcomes Grandpa and Grandma

Travis drove his car at an average speed, occasionally glancing at the glass above which showed his grandparents sitting in the passenger seat. Yeah, he came just in time to pick them up, and now he's taking them home.

"Have you prepared a present for Abbie?" he asked.

"Not yet," said Sussanne, who looked glamorous wearing a mocca-colored suit and carrying a black branded bag.

"We don't know what kind of surprise we will give because we just remembered that today is her birthday when we just woke up," said Adam who looks fat with a distended stomach and wears a white and gray suit, combing his hair neatly and carried a small black sling bag.

"Then you should finalize your plans first."

"Yeah, you have to help us prepare the surprise," exclaimed Sussanne.

Travis smiled faintly as he continued to focus on driving. "Okay then, let's make a plan later."