Together enjoy macaroni pasta

Travis breathed a sigh of relief as he finished cooking macaroni pasta for Phoebe. He served the food using a beautiful plate and then gave it to the maid who had been sitting on a chair near the pantry table while playing with her cell phone.

"It really can't replace your favorite cake that I've eaten, but at least it can delay hunger," he said with a smile and then sat on the chair opposite the pregnant maid.

Phoebe smiled crookedly, glancing at Travis who liked to take the food or drink she was about to eat. this wasn't the first time the doctor was interested in her food, but it had been a few times and tonight it was annoying but she couldn't show her annoyance because she was just a maid there.

"Why?" Travis asked, staring at Phoebe who instead smiled at him. he became flustered and scratched his non-itchy neck, and of course, remembered the moment a few minutes ago almost kissing the maid.