the incident that happened to Phoebe

The next day...

Early in the morning, Phoebe was up because she had to prepare breakfast for Travis because she was leaving for the hospital early. The woman walked towards the kitchen but her attention was focused on the master who had just come down the stairs with hasty steps heading out of the house.

"Dr. Travis!"

Travis stopped in the living room and turned around to look at Phoebe who called out to him and walked over to him.

"Are you leaving now?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, I need to get to the hospital right away because I have an urgent patient," Travis replied.

"Then you should head over there immediately. I hope your patient is okay," said Phoebe with a sad look considering all of Travis' patients were pregnant women.

Travis just nodded with a faint smile and then quickly left the house. The man wearing a dark blue suit was in such a hurry that he didn't have time to talk more with his beloved maid.