Accusing and arresting Alicia

Alicia hurriedly walked out of the house because she wanted to go to the hospital to see how Phoebe was. The girl already looks neat wearing beige trousers combined with a white shirt with her hair tied and wearing a red sling bag.


Alicia was surprised when she opened the door because there were John and two policemen. She wondered why the police were there and why didn't John accompany Phoebe to the hospital. Of course, she was also worried about her friend's condition.

"John, how is Phoebe?"

"Very bad," John replied with a flat look. "This is all because of you. And now you have to join the police because you have to go to jail!" She continued firmly.

"I didn't do anything to her at all... And what do you mean by saying that she's in bad shape?" Alicia shook her head in amazement. She didn't know why John had told her to and she didn't know why Phoebe had fallen down the stairs.