divert sadness

After leaving the police station, Travis drove his car back home. Of course, he was with Phoebe, who had been silent all this time and looked less than excited. The man became pitiful and understood that the maid was in a state of mourning and might need some consolation.

"How about we go to the cinema?" Travis asked, turning to Phoebe who was looking straight at him.


"Yeah ... I don't think there's anything wrong with just watching one movie. It won't tire you out too much," Travis explained with a casual smile. "Watching comedy or horror movies seems fun. We should not see romantic things because we are heartbroken," he continued.

Phoebe smiled faintly. "But I don't think I'm strong enough to sit too long in the cinema."

"Then we relax in the park it might be fun... We can enjoy the fresh air outside especially since you've never been out of the house."