Kissing Phoebe

At 1 a.m., Travis was driving his car at an average speed back home. And of course, he was with Phoebe sitting beside him. They came home later than previously planned because he took Matheo and Angelica shopping at the mall.

"I didn't think we'd be home so late," Travis muttered with a faint smile, glancing at Phoebe who looked so sleepy from yawning a few times.

"It doesn't matter ... Besides, it's really fun," said Phoebe with a faint smile, then covered her mouth as she yawned again.

"If you're sleepy, go to sleep... I'll wake you up when we get home," Travis said.

"Okay then, I'm going to sleep for a while ... I can't help feeling sleepy," said Phoebe, then leaned her head back on the chair facing the window.

Travis drove back leisurely, because he didn't want to hurry home because he liked being with Phoebe.


Matheo had just arrived at Angelica's yard. He remained sitting on the motorbike while his lover had gotten off.