Angelica and her father

Eat slowly while glancing at her father who is eating voraciously, that's what Angelica is doing right now. In the monochrome dining room, the girl wondered why her father didn't talk about his wedding plans while yesterday still begging for her approval. She was wondering if maybe her father gave up because she didn't want to disappoint him, but that meant she was selfish and her father would be hurt as well as the woman she chose would also be hurt.

"Angelica, why don't you eat this?" Thomas asked, pointing at the soup. "This is a special sub with a very delicious taste. Dad mixed vegetables, chicken, and also original meatballs imported from Indonesia. Yesterday I bought it at the supermarket when you were with Matheo," he continued with a reassuring look.

Angelica looked at her father sadly, feeling guilty and sorry because all this time her father had always wanted to make her happy but she didn't understand what he wanted.