Feeling doubt

At 11 o'clock that night, Phoebe and Travis were back in the apartment with Matheo and Angelica who had gotten permission from her father to live together on the condition that they took this relationship to a serious level, and there would be consequences if they did things that have become... prohibitions that have been set by both families.

"Matheo, I go home first. Take good care of Angelica, and..." Phoebe sighed, looking at Angelica who was standing beside Matheo. "Please don't betray my trust in you."

"Of course, sis...I will keep my promise and always keep the trust you gave me," said Matheo with a smile, then hugged Phoebe for a moment.

Travis smiled with relief, that Matheo's problem was finally over. he glanced at his watch which showed it was 11 p.m, then back at Phoebe who turned to hug Angelica.

"Honey, let's go home. It's getting late," he said.