Hide and seek

At 01.00 pm, Phoebe finally arrived in Ohio, precisely in the Findlay area. The woman went straight to McDonald's to buy food, then after that, she bought a new simcard and go to find a new apartment.

"Looks like I also have to disguise my appearance so that no one notices I'm here," Phoebe muttered as she walked towards the apartment area dragging her suitcase, then put the bag on her shoulder while her right hand carried a paper bag containing the food she bought at McDonald's.

Arriving at the apartment, Phoebe met the security guard at the main door.

"Sir, I want to rent one of the apartments here... Where can I meet the manager?" Phoebe asked politely.

"Oh, you just go to the number two floor, where the manager and the staff are," replied the security guard wearing a black uniform.

"Oh, thank you, Sir."